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[新闻] 转A9:MGS4 发米通40分确认!!!(有图有真相)

Editor A
An overwhelming amount of quality and volume. Thanks to a lot of great features, long time fans of the series and neophytes alike will be able to enjoy the game. Even if you’re not so great at action games, we really recommend you give this a try. Furthermore, the content in the Metal Gear Online mode is an excellent addition to the main story. A game with seemingly no weak points whatsoever.

Editor B
The familiar sneaking action triumphantly returns, along with boss battles full of tricks and surprises. But even more fun is the ability to purchase and customize equipment with new abilities! The popular cutscenes are also back in huge numbers, leaving you immensely satisfied. Finally, playing the online versus mode with your buddies and linking up is just too awesome!

Editor C
Within the massive amounts of cutscenes there are numerous easter eggs, mixing both the old and the new. Some parts get a little verbose and wordy, but the end is really worth it. Also, because depending on your style of play, many different gameplay elements emerge, the second straight week of play is still fun. Another great point: the Online mode’s rules and system are carried over from the main story mode (?). You’ll want to play it over and over again.

Editor D
“Octo-Cam” allows players to automatically blend in, a system easy for even beginners to understand. We have no complaints about the quality of the cutscenes at all. However, many characters from the previous games appear, so if you want to get the most out of the story, you’ll need a bit of preparation. In the Online Game, modes like “Snake vs Soldiers” are truly unique to this series.

