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posted by edfc, platform: iPhone Xs Max


posted by edfc, platform: iPhone Xs Max


posted by edfc, platform: iPhone Xs Max
"I think [it leaves Sarri] in a tough place, I'm surprised he didn't come on and force him to come off," Terry told Sky Sports.

"If I'm the manager there, you go on. It puts a big cloud over a really good performance. If your number goes up you have to come off.

"Where does that leave the rest of the Premier League players in the future? Do players start refusing to come off?

"It's a tough and difficult one for the players, the manager has made the decision and you have to go off.

"It's a difficult one for the players to go over and force him off, is it their duty and responsibility? Probably not. It's the player's responsibility to go off and accept it and deal with it tomorrow.

"It will be interesting to see if Kepa plays the next game. If I was in the dressing room I would expect the manager to come in and deal with it straight away."

In his post-match news conference, Sarri claimed that it was a misunderstanding between himself and Kepa, but Terry suggested that privately, the Italian may have taken a different approach.

"He's protecting his player," Terry added. "Whether that has been dealt with inside the dressing room, I don't know. Publicly that's his approach."

