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[电脑] [Win7]吓得喷尿! 技嘉主板@BIOS工具, windows7下刷BIOS失败...






我觉得还是先普及下知识比较好,如果你知道ssv3原理的话,应该会在刷之前感到panic的:D 我不知道为什么gigabyte推荐ssv3,可能是群众测试的结果,也可能是gigabyte比较多双bios不怕刷坏


SLP = SLP 1.0
A text string that is added to the bios for XP and Win2003 activation. Corresponding oembios.* files must be installed in Windows.
SLP1.0是BIOS里字符串用于激活OEM XP和2003的。相应的OEMBIOS.*文件在WINDOWS的安装文件必须得有,也就是要激活OEMXP得有SLP1.0 和OEM安装盘。

SLIC = SLP 2.0 / 2.1
Public key/marker code is added to the bios. A certificate (.xrm-ms file) must be installed in Windows that matches the SLIC in the bios. A SLP 2.0 SLIC will activate Vista and Win2008. A SLP 2.1 SLIC will activate Win7 and Win2008 R2, as well as Vista SP1+ and Win2008.
SLP2.0/2.1是在BIOS中加入Public key/marker。和BIOS里的SLIC想匹配的证书文件(.xrm-ms 文件)必须安装到WINDOWS里以实现激活。SLP2.0 SLIC可以激活VISTA和2008.SLP2.1 SLIC可以激活WIN7 和2008R2同时也可以激活VISTA SP1和2008
First, SS stands for super static. We call it that because the memory address where the SLIC will be doesn't change. In some older ways of modding the SLIC would be at a different address depending how much RAM was in the computer, so a mod would work for one person but not another.


SSV (or SSV1): A new, uncompressed module is added to the bios that contains SLIC code. This is the way all mods were done originally. For Award bios, OEM and 0+2 methods are SSV1
SSV或者SSV1:一个新的、未压缩的包含SLIC的模块被添加到BIOS里。这常用的方法。对于 AWARD BIOS修改工具,OEM和0+2就是SSV1

SSV2: The slic is written over FF bytes in the bios file, and the slic is not part of a module. This only works for AMI BIOS, not Award.
SSV2:SLIC写入到BIOS里的FF字节处,也就是BIOS文件的空白处,它不是一个模块。这种方式只适用于AMI BIOS ,AWARD则不行。

With SSV2 the system module is usually kept the same size, so all the modules in the bios remain in their original position. Most MSI AMI bioses require this method. If a bios has trouble booting to an onboard raid or other device it could be because of shifted offsets of the bios modules so try SSV2 in that case.

使用SSV2系统模块都不会改变位置。大多数MSI(微星)AMI BIOS需要用这种方法。如果修改后出现不能正常使用RAID或者别的设备,可能是因为BIOS里位置的替换造成的。如果那样的话可以试用SSV2方式。(这里感觉不太通顺啊)

(Note: I did see an Award bios where SSV2 worked once so there might be certain places in an Award BIOS after all the modules where it could work but it would be risky to try. Andy doesn't include a SSV2 option in the Award tool anyway.)

(注意:我看到过AWARD BIOS用SSV2修改的也能正常工作。可能是因为在BIOS的模块最有空余 的FF地址。不管怎么样用这个方式都是有风险的。所以在Award TOOL里没有SSV2的选项。)

SSV3: The SLIC is written inside the system module. This makes the compressed system module much bigger. That means a lot of the modules will have their offsets (location in the bios file) shifted to make room for the expanded system. It usually works fine with Asus bioses, but can brick an MSI (w/AMI bios) motherboard. For Award bios to prevent all the modules from shifting we black out the EPA logo which makes it highly compressible. This way all the modules below the EPA logo will still remain at their original offsets. SSV3 works well with most bioses. For Gigabyte Award bios it's usually the best choice.

SSV3:SLIC写在主模块中。这使压缩后的主模块变大。 这就意味着其他的模块要改变位置来给变大的主模块腾出空间。通常用于ASUS的主板。MSI的主板可能会变成砖头。Award BIOS修改的时候为了预防其他模块位置发生变化,我们停止(抛弃)EPA LOGO来增加压缩率。SSV3适用于大多数主板。技嘉的AWARD最适用于这种方法。

Pubkey: Only applies to Award bios. SLIC code is added to the bios as two parts (public key + marker). The only brand it works reliably with is Asus. It is safer than most methods because it doesn't change any existing modules. To flash it you have to use bios built in flash utility (EZ-Flash) because awdflash.exe will say "invalid Windows license". AMI bios has something similar in the form of a Fx module which is covered in the Dynamic option of the AMI Tool.

PUBKEY:只应用于AWARD BIOS。SLIC被分成两个部分(PUBLIC KEY +MARKER)写入BIOS。只适用 于华硕品牌。这种方式要比其他的安全,因为它不修改任何模块。这样修改后的文件必须要用EZ-FLASH刷新,因为AWDFLASH.EXE,会提示:invalid Windows license。AMI TOOL也有类似的选项,包含在DYNAMIC选项里

0+2: For Award. A "nocompress" (uncompressed) module is added to the end of the bios. The system module (module "0" is shrunk by the same amount that acpitbl (usually module "2" increases. This keeps the offsets the same for all the modules under acpitbl. This is a good option for Award bioses that don't have an active SLIC in their acpitbl already. For ones that do it will add a second SLIC and won't activate.


ISA: For Award. An ISA module with a special program is added to the end of the bios. The program replaces the SLIC in RAM with a new one, or adds a SLIC if one isn't present. This is a good choice for bioses that already have an active SLIC. It is also safer than most methods because it doesn't modify any existing modules. It doesn't work with most newer Gigabyte bioses.

ISA:适用 于Award。包含特殊程序的ISA模块被写入到BIOS的最后。这个程序会替换内存里的SLIC。或者如果不存在SLIC的它会添加一个新的SLIC。当BIOS里已经包括一个SLIC的时候,这是一个很好的选择。这个方法也是比较安全的,因为同样他不改变原来模块的位置。对于新的技嘉BIOS不适用 。

Dynamic: Existing SLIC is overwritten with the new SLIC. For a bios with a SLIC that isn't enabled this won't do anything unless the configuration lock can be removed. (Fortunately for Asus AMI bios we can remove the config lock.) For Award bioses, this method is hit and miss. It has worked well sometimes (ex: Asus with lock removed) but on some occasions bricked motherboards (ex: a Shuttle and an EVGA, but there were some other Shuttles that worked)

DYNAMIC(动态法):用新的SLIC替换已经存在的SLIC。对于有伪SLIC的BIOS,除非移除了控制模块,否则这种方法无效。(幸运的是,华硕的AMI BIOS可以移除)。对于AWARD的BIOS这种方式成功的机率很小。

OEM: For Award. SLIC is added as an uncompressed "OEM" module. The OEM module usually takes the location in the bios that the EPA or ACPITBL was using, and the EPA or ACPITBL is then readded at the end. This works well for older Award bioses like Abit. This is an ok option for Award bioses that don't have an enabled SLIC in their acpitbl already. For ones that do it will add a second SLIC and won't activate.


[ 本帖最后由 henvelleng 于 2009-8-14 12:14 编辑 ]


原帖由 veryend 于 2009-8-14 12:50 发表

手工修改那篇文章我看了ACPI表从文件头低凹到了文件尾,又新加了块和ACPI Table内容相同的填在前面,整个BIOS结构都改掉了,问题很大,反而不敢用

