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Greetings from Amazon.co.jp.

We've found that the following item cannot be shipped to international addresses.

Order ID: 503-3130872-9841459
Item: Nintendo Switch Joy-Con (L) ネオンブルー/ (R) ネオンレッド (ASIN:B01NCXFWIZ)

*Please disregard this email if you've already canceled your order.

We'd judged the item as exportable and accepted orders from overseas. However, we were unable to complete the delivery of the item, because the shipping carrier judged it to be unexportable based on their export standards.

For this reason, your ordered item had been returned to our distribution center and we requested a refund. We'll let you know by email once refund is complete.

Please visit our Help page below for refund information:

About Refunds

To check the status of your refund, please refer to the following page:

Check the Status of Your Refund

We're trying to improve this situation through continuous discussions with the shipping carrier.

We're very sorry for any disappointment this has caused. Please know that we value your business and hope to see you again soon at Amazon.co.jp.

This email address is sent only, please contact us from the link below if you have any other questions or concerns. Please do not reply to this email directly.

