原帖由 上海狗狗 于 2008-7-2 10:05 发表 很好玩么……arm和core的战役模式草草通了一遍就飞盘了,一开始看到3D画面的时候还是比较震撼的,后来就被几百种兵种吓到了,大多数兵种没有留下任何印象,现在只回忆的起轰炸机rush和蜘蛛流。这游戏好在哪里以至于压根没人玩,楼主帮我悟吧。
原帖由 上海狗狗 于 2008-7-2 10:51 发表 “压根没人玩”和大标题“TA比SC要好”的对仗很工整么…… SC的兴盛和TA的衰败都是市场的选择,归根结底就是好不好玩。SC刚出来的时候也没有任何品牌效应,但单机版玩了三关就已经让人欲罢不能了(基地防御战那关 ...
The game was highly praised by critics and players, and won numerous awards, including GameSpot's Game of the Year Award for 1997.[5] TA is considered to be one of the best RTS games of all time and is still played actively today, over 10 years after its release.[6][7][8] It was recently named to Gamespot's The Greatest Games of All Time list of 50 games. The editors stated "It's not as famous as Warcraft or Command & Conquer, but Total Annihilation is arguably better than any other real-time strategy game to date." [1]
原帖由 liuyicheng 于 2008-7-2 10:59 发表 TA的设计思想认为,单人任务部分就是纯粹的让你了解如何操作游戏,没什么意义.但事实证明这个主意不好,遭到了单人主义者的恶评.
原帖由 猛男乙 于 2008-7-2 22:56 发表 看来不象玩过的样子... 血狮的主要优势不在于弹出,而在于狂点而坦克丝毫不懂... 这AI,实在是牛B啊.:D