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[新闻] 虚幻引擎可以比WiiU的高清塞尔达做的更多—Epic副总裁对WiiU寄予厚望

Unreal Engine Can 'Do More' than Zelda on Wii UEpic's Mark Rein discusses high hopes for Nintendo's new console.March 12, 2012
Epic vice president Mark Rein has high hopes for the Wii U.

Speaking at last week's Game Developers Conference, Rein told Eurogamer that he believes Nintendo's new console will do quite well.

Epic的副总裁Mark Rein对WiiU给予厚望

"I like the Wii U. I think E3 will be a big eye-opener for people," Rein said. "It's a great brand that a lot of parents really trust and they're probably ready to buy their kids an HD Wii that does that much more than just being an HD Wii. I'd love it if they'd done it last year, but I'm excited for them to do it this year. I'd be shocked if it doesn't do well."

“我喜欢WiiU。我觉得E3会令人大开眼界。”Rein说:“这是一个让许多家长都信任的品牌(任天堂)并且他们愿意给他们的孩子买一台‘高清Wii’更何况(WiiU)比一个高清Wii要好得多。如果WiiU去年能完成我会非常喜欢,但我也很期待在今年去为他们做点什么。如果WiiU没有成功,那我才会吃惊呢 ”

Rein also discussed the role of his company's Unreal Engine 3 technology, which will play a big part in some of the Wii U's first titles. Specifically, Rein says that his company's engine could even outperform the Zelda HD demo seen at E3 2011.


"Do you remember the Zelda demo they had on it? Would you not buy a Wii U just to play that? Of course you would," Rein said. "That's what Nintendo is all about. Their hardware is the software delivery service for their great content. That Zelda demo was gorgeous and we can do even more than that with Unreal Engine 3. I think it will do great."

“你们还记得任天堂做的那个高清塞尔达的演示吗? 你会不会仅仅为了这个去买一台WiiU?——那还用说吗”Rein 说:“这就是任天堂。他们的硬件和软件极好的搭配在一起。那个塞尔达的演示非常华丽,我们(虚幻3引擎)可以做的更好。我觉得它会更好”

Rein also noted that he's had a chance to see Unreal Engine games in action on the Wii U. "I played Batman: Arkham City on the Wii U and they are doing some really cool stuff with the controller," he said.

Rein 也表示他有机会在WiiU上看到虚幻引擎的游戏。“我玩了WiiU上的《蝙蝠侠:阿甘之城》,他们用那个手柄做的相当酷”他说。

Even the Wii U tech demos have impressed Rein. "Did you play that Battle Mii game? Two players would play with a Wii Remote and Nunchuk and one would play with the Wii U controller?" he asked. "I would buy a Wii U to play that game in a heartbeat. And I hope people make those kind of games with our technology. I think we've yet to really see what the Wii U can do and I think at E3 this year they're going to shock us."


When asked about new IPs, Rein concluded by noting that "If I had ten development teams I'd make a game for every single platform and make that the special game for that platform. If you're the special game on that platform you do really, really well. Gears was one of the special ones on Xbox 360. Infinity Blade is a special game on the iPhone and iPad. Shadow Complex was a special game on Xbox Live Arcade. But we don't have 10 development teams so it's just a matter of picking and choosing what we do and doing the best thing we can for the idea that we have."

当我们问起新的IPs时(我不知道这是啥⊙﹏⊙b),Rein做了个结论“如果我们有10个开发小组,我会在每一个平台都做专有的特别游戏。如果你就是那个平台上的专有的特别游戏,那么你就做的非常非常好了。(比如)战争机器是XBOX360上的特别游戏,无限之剑是iPhone和iPad的,多重阴影是XBOX Live Arcade的。但是我们并没有10个开发小组,所以我们只能选择看看我们能做什么,并为了已有的想法去做的最好”

