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[新闻] NGP 又再吹牛 ?!!【转载】 PS3用RSX和 NGP 的 SGX543MP4+单精度浮点性能比较


CLX2/MBX到底有没有alpha test硬件加速?

HSR渲染下能否对alpha test硬件加速?

Imgtec是否曾经掌握HSR渲染下对alpha test硬件加速的设计?

为什麽你要用PowerVR Insider那段软件解决方法
优化透明三角形么?还是看我给你的那个Insider FAQ,里面提到了,我再给你引用一下

    For sprites with transparent areas, create polygons that are optimal for the visible area and exclude fragments that are completely transparent. If an application was to render a simple triangular shaped tree texture on a quad polygon, there would be large, empty areas that would need to be blended. A better approach in this situation would be to use a triangle that tightly fits the shape of the texture. By doing so, most of the empty area that would have to be blended when using a quad to render the tree sprite can be removed, which means there are fewer fragments to blend. Geometry used to tightly fit sprites in a given application should be kept as simple as possible while eliminating as many unwanted fragments as possible. Finding the balance between geometric complexity and the empty space that will be removed by using more complex geometry is a balance that is very application and platform specific. A tool such as the one described here: http://www.humus.name/index.php?page=Cool&ID=8 can be used to generate the geometry required.

    For further optimisation, when rendering sprites with partially transparent areas, break each object down into an area that can be rendered as an opaque sprite and a second area of partially transparency that can be blended. By taking this approach, the number of fragments that need to be blended for each sprite can be significantly reduced, which allows the HSR process to provide a "super" fill rate. In order to maintain sprite ordering, use of the depth buffer will be required - each sprite will need a unique offset to avoid artefacts. Generating the areas for this technique can be done with a similar tool to that mentioned above, but this time looking for opaque pixels instead of completely transparent. As stated previously, the opaque objects should be drawn first followed by the blended objects as this will allow the blended objects to gain the most benefit possible from the hardware's HSR process.

一样是MBX, Sega的Aurora(2005产品)就有专门优化透明/不完整三角形
当年PowerVR2代, Dreamcast也是alpha test with HW front, 效能比同时脉的电脑版快一倍
你的动机不就是说只能靠软件"优化", 没有"alpha test硬件加速, 硬件优化透明三角形"这回事麽...

[ 本帖最后由 JimmyC 于 2011-2-5 17:42 编辑 ]


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