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[其他] 摘要: DF对三版本《COD:黑色行动2》做出总结

原帖由 ryuetsuya 于 2012-11-25 16:23 发表


Black Ops 2 on Wii U appears to have much in common with the Xbox 360 version including a native 880x720 resolution with 2x MSAA.

The cut-scene and traversal comparison brutally highlights the areas in which Wii U struggles to match the Xbox 360 - high levels of on-screen characters clearly cause issues.

In the more ambitious campaign levels, the Wii U has real issues getting close to Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 levels of performance. Frame-rates are highly variable.

Does GamePad mirroring impact on Wii U system performance? Thankfully, evidence suggests not.

Tablet usage could have been better in the campaign but the multiplayer split-screen situation is impressive - one gamer takes the main screen while the other uses the tablet.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 on Wii U - the Digital Foundry verdict

Speaking to a developer the other day, we heard a story that Treyarch put so much effort into optimising for console that the original Black Ops left just 1MB of free disc space on the Xbox 360 DVD. It's indicative of the ways in which studios are pushing the current hardware to its limits, and with Black Ops 2 it's clear that Treyarch has put even more effort into optimising results for the current-gen platforms to the point where the single-player campaign is a truly remarkable technical achievement and a fantastic slice of gunplay to boot.

The Wii U version matches the look of the Xbox 360 game and thus gives it an edge visually over the PlayStation 3 release, but unfortunately it comes up well short in terms of performance - an aspect that is all-important to the playability of a COD title. The frame-rate variance is such that the PS3 game feels generally smoother, while the 360 release feels like an entirely different game in the more demanding levels. Bearing in mind the commonalities in hardware design between Wii U and Xbox 360, we can't help but feel somewhat disappointed that Black Ops 2 under-performs so noticeably.

True, Treyarch have had years to optimise the COD engine for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 and would not have had this luxury in preparing the game for Wii U. Furthermore, on a basic level, Black Ops 2 itself would have been designed with no regard for the Nintendo hardware. That said, we find it hard to blame the developer here - we have seen generational leaps in CPU, GPU and RAM technology since the launch of the Xbox 360 seven years ago, and for the Wii U hardware to under-perform to this extent on such a crucially important game doesn't look good for future prospects. Bearing in mind the specific areas that are causing the most noticeable dips in performance, once again it looks like the CPU is the main bottleneck.

Still, on the plus side, the multiplayer component of the game has emerged unscathed - if that's your focus, and you're willing to be patient for the online audience to grow in number, Black Ops 2 on Wii U is still worthy of consideration. The game also illustrates rather nicely the application of the GamePad for a new form of split-screen gaming, while tablet mirroring really is a sweet feature that we hope more developers embrace.

[ 本帖最后由 austin17 于 2012-11-25 16:37 编辑 ]


原帖由 ryuetsuya 于 2012-11-25 16:23 发表


原帖由 ryuetsuya 于 2012-11-25 16:46 发表

好久不上啊9了 这边倒是第一次见……算了


原帖由 ryuetsuya 于 2012-11-25 17:01 发表




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