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posted by wap, platform: Windows


posted by wap, platform: Windows
原帖由 @sakerping  于 2019-1-8 20:59 发表



posted by wap, platform: Windows
原帖由 @sakerping  于 2019-1-8 21:09 发表
这是Super Famicom Wars
更早的是GB WARS,更晚的是Advance Wars。我这样说不负责任,但能够感觉到为什么这一作存在感这么差,和各方面都有关系,就算游戏设定的细节上见仁见智,但整个系统的运行效率也并不高,没比GB上快多少,更没GBA上爽快。
这作后面还有gbc wars呢。。。。。



本帖最后由 OpEth 于 2019-1-8 21:19 通过手机版编辑


posted by wap, platform: Windows
原帖由 @Nigel  于 2019-1-12 11:07 发表
4个13星的CO所属red star,blue moon,green earth,yellow comet,还有3个free的都是45星

red star胡子大叔注释是名将军,特别贤明,什么能力(三星)?
blue moon戴帽子的瓜子脸,注释能力普通,偶尔掉链子,什么能力(一星)?
green earth国字脸大叔特点写的明白,攻击高防御弱(二星)
yellow comet的土肥原大佐按注释的意思应该是防御高攻击弱(一星)

女孩注释里写不知怎么的就是强,外号luck girl。怎么个强法(四星)?
1- Yan
Yan is a normal CO with normal abilities. People have said
that he has the smartest AI when being played by a computer.
Original name: Yan Deruta
Memo: Very clever and smart.
Rating: 3

2- Roger
I could not find anyhting speacial about him too. Apparently, it sets
the enemy AI to 'easy', in a level similar to AW's AI.
Original name: Roger Suzuki
Memo: His performance was normal but made a few mistakes.
Rating: 1

3- Juan
Again, I could not find anything except another good music CO.
The AI plays more offensively when he is the commander.
Original name: Juan Ross
Memo: Agressive offense... not much defense...
Rating: 2

4- Hector(?)
Hector is also a plain CO for me. I gave him this name as he has
a Japanese name only - some people have said it's Hitler, but I doubt it.
He is the opposite of Juan; his AI has a defensive style.
Original name: Hettoraa
Memo: His motto is "our people are protectos" but he is a coward.
Rating: 1

5- Caroline
Again her music is good, and I didn't find anything else.
It is thought that she is lucky - her units will often do more
damage than predicted.
Original name: Caroline[?]
Memo: Undescribably strong... Her nickname is Lucky Girl.
Rating: 4

6- Billy
One of the few COs whose abilities are easily defined. His income funds are
always increased by 10,000G, in addition to the normal income provided
by buildings. Unfortunately, his units are weaker, both offensively and
defensively. It's better for him when the number of bases is high and
the number of buildings is low, as he can build many units and the enemy
has less money to work with.
Original name: Billy Gates
Memo: He's the son of a millionaire and very wealthy. He likes war games.
Rating: 4

7- Mr Yamamoto
His units always start in level 2, even when experience is turned off.
This means that his units will deal more damage and have a slight
defense bonus. He has no weaknesses. Use him when there are fewer
bases and more buildings, the opposite of Billy. Most definitely the
best CO in the game.
Original name: Mister Yamamoto
Memo: He is a legendary general who had no defeats. The people who help
      him are in an elite group.
Rating: 5

