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[新闻] 下一代Xbox:Xbox Series X

1. It's a beast
2. Senua Saga has been in development since before the acquisition
3. The new controller is slightly smaller with an improved dpad.
4. The console is about 12" by 6" (I calculated using controllers for scale as given) and can be used vertically and horizontally.
5. It's super quiet.
6. E3 will be huge next year, and their goal is to showcase games first and foremost.
7. The goal is to be the most powerful and immersive console on the market.
8. 1000s of games across Xbox One, Xbox 360 and Xbox. All Xbox One accessories work (not sure about 360, sorry)
9. The new controller can be used with PC and Xbox One too.
10. You can suspend and resume multiple games at once.

