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原帖由 doomking 于 2014-10-31 20:42 发表


NHTSA调查JETTA断轴的链接有吗? 批判一下


原帖由 doomking 于 2014-11-1 04:22 发表

http://online.wsj.com/articles/n ... a-recall-1413545771


BERLIN— Volkswagen AG VOW3.XE +2.97%  , Europe’s largest automotive group, said Friday that a recall of more than 580,000 cars in China was the result of driver-caused damage and was not the result of defective axles in certain models.

A spokesman for the Wolfsburg, Germany-based company said that VW had inspected more than 40 axles after instances of damage in China and determined that in each case the torsion crank, a bar connected to the axle, was broken.

The damage to the torsion crank in each case, VW said, occurred when a driver was involved in a rear-end collision that was so severe that it damaged the axle. In each case, the torsion crank broke when the driver continued driving with the car instead of taking the car in for repair.

“We are talking about a very severe rear-end collision after which a driver in Europe would take the car to the workshop, but in China they don’t,” said a Volkswagen spokesman. “There is no technical reason for the recall. The axle is safe.”

The issue is related to axles that are installed in the Beetle, which is produced in Mexico for the global market, and models based on VW’s Jetta, which is called Sagitar in China and produced in joint venture with FAW Group Corp.

The VW spokesman said the issue is related to driver behavior in China rather than a technical defect with the axles.

VW is taking action, though. As of January, models using this axle will be altered so that the driver hears an audible signal if the torsion crank is bent.

“We will a U-shaped sheath around the torsion crank so that it rattles if bent. That should encourage drivers to take it to the repair shop,” the spokesman said.

VW is also recalling 15,500 vehicles in Germany that use the same axle “to reassure customers concerned about the news from China,” the spokesman said. “There is no technical reason to recall the cars in Germany.”

VW may recall more of the cars for inspection. The US traffic safety regulator NHTSA is expected to make a decision today whether to ask VW to recall cars in the US, VW said.

“We are waiting to see what the NHTSA has to say,” the spokesman said.


原帖由 doomking 于 2014-11-1 19:59 发表

The US traffic safety regulator NHTSA is expected to make a decision today whether to ask VW to recall cars in the US, VW said.

“We are waiting to see what the NHTSA has to say,” the spokesman ...
这篇文章出来时,北美的JETTA召回还在等NHTSA的答复,过了几个小时以后北美也宣布了召回。这里是链接:http://online.wsj.com/articles/v ... s-in-u-s-1413556517
我们先不管这新闻里VW怎么说的,假设这后悬挂真是有设计缺陷不经碰撞也会断裂,那NHTSA在中国没有发生维权召回以前竟全然不知这悬挂有隐患进行调查算不算失职? 事发后NHTSA没有进一步调查这个问题悬挂,允许VW用这样所谓糊弄人的方式召回岂不是草菅人命? 这种重大安全隐患连钱都不罚更说不过去。

