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[新闻] 話說原來Eurogamer也有評Crysis 1主機版

Digital Foundry Face-Off: Crysis

So all told, a clear preference has been made to optimise the console versions in favour of visual fidelity over performance, although this ultimately works out better for the 360 version. Of course, this remaster job has been about the perceived improvements to the player, which isn't necessarily an indication of the underlying technology running the game, but how deftly Crytek UK have worked around the limitations of the hardware at hand. A few years ago Digital Foundry speculated whether consoles could run Crysis, but the linear, closely-guarded structure of the sequel that eventually arrived to those formats didn't quite satisfy our curiosity.

But here we are, with a full sandbox island to play around with on consoles, just as we'd imagined it should look in the best case scenario. The real litmus test for us is being able to tear through a cluster of pine trees with a machine gun and, as you watch them tumble against each other, seeing the lightshafts flickering between the branches - it's a real achievement, and the Crysis experience in a nutshell for its many fans. The best part, though, is that not only do these results vindicate some of Cevat Yerli's bold claims, but they also do a fantastic job of demonstrating CryEngine 3's flexibility on console in the way its sequel could not.




原帖由 psony 于 2011-10-16 21:33 发表
原来LZ躲这里找安慰来了[img]http://bbs.levelup.im/data/attachment/forum/201110/16/2122471ma55ala5cxxva32.gifhttp://bbs.levelup.im/data/attac ... 1jv61vyx5yq51gl.gif[/img]是X的自己点进去 ...

[ 本帖最后由 你老闆 于 2011-10-16 23:33 编辑 ]

