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Kudo confirms Kinect Indie Games coming 'later'Kinect-compatible Indie Games coming further down the line, confirms Microsoft.
Written by David Scammell, 02 August 2010
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Issue 44, July 2010 »360Zine 44  »360Zine 43  »360Zine 42  »360Zine 41  »360Zine 40  + More... RateLinksNone AvailableTagsKinect Share»Facebook »MySpace »Twitter + More... Games Latest  Popular »Aliens: Colonial Marines»Metal Gear Solid: Rising»Gears of War 3»Bodycount»Fable III»Rock Band 3»Sonic The Hedgehog 4»FIFA 11»Dead to Rights: Retribu ...»F1 2010+ More... Microsoft Game Studios' General Manager Kudo Tsunoda has confirmed that we will be seeing Kinect games on the Xbox Indie Games channel.

"Sure. Of course," said Kudo while talking to EDGE about the possibility of Indie Games being released with Kinect functionality.

"Obviously we're just focusing on the launch games at the moment. But you're going to hear more - it's a big part of Xbox.

360Zine Issue 44  For our latest Kinect coverage, click here to download 360Zine Issue 44 for free."Indie games a big part of the platform, and timelines will come later."

The Indie Games channel allows independent developers to develop their own games for release on Xbox Live. So far the channel has hosted numerous great games, including Binary Tweed's Clover and twin-stick shooter I MAED A GAM3 W1TH Z0MB1ES!!!1, each available to buy for a pocket money price.

Are you an indie developer? What do you make of the opportunity to develop for Kinect. Let us know by leaving a comment at the bottom of the page.

Kinect launches on Xbox 360 this November.

