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[心得] 【已恢复,原来是apple抽风】为啥老说我信用卡过期?

we are unable to verify an authorization from financial institution and has not received payment for order MGJHJ93VW5 made on 01/15/2012. Not being able to verify an authorization is a sign that something needs to be addressed by the issuer of the card. You will need to contact your financial institution to determine the specific cause of the card being rejected.

我们无法通过认证, 订单没有付款成功. "Not being able to verify an authorization" 是一个信号! 这个是一个你需要联系你的银行(发卡者) 的信号! 你需要联系银行的 安全 诈骗 部门. 问他们为啥无法正常消费 为啥认证被决绝

Be sure your billing address is exactly the same as the address on your credit card statement. Differences in punctuation, abbreviation, and capitalization can cause payment errors that might prevent you from using the iTunes Store.

请确认你在 iTunes Store 上写的 Billing Address 一定要和你信用卡上的账单 地址一模一样! 一字不差
如果不一样请重新修改后认证, 会有 1USD 预售权 不会收取

