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[新闻] PSVR2首次闭门体验,效果让开发者惊叹


本周GDC 索尼正在为psvr2举办首次闭门体验,似乎已有不少业内好评传出。

目前热心于VR发展的前Valve老兵Chet Faliszek(半条命 传送门 求生之路剧情主创),  在昨日推文中称自己已体验过PSVR2,“你们知道那种回来后发现整个世界都不一样了的感觉么, (It feels) Sooooo good…  感谢吉田修平和Greg Ricey带来的这段demo和交流”。  这条推文在resetera上转载后,也有网友怀疑其是不是因奋言过其实. 但另一位开发者表示自己来自于Truant Pixel工作室,目前正在为psvr2开发一款游戏,而Chet Faliszek的评价并没有夸张。

” PSVR2 is playable behind closed doors at GDC this week, and there’s already a lot of buzz seeping out of the show. Chet Faliszek, a Valve veteran, shared the following on 推: “Had one of those VR moments today playing in the new PSVR2 HMD. You know where the world just feels different when you return? Sooooo good… thanks [Shuhei Yoshida] and [Greg Rice] for the demo and chat.”
This was post was later shared on the ResetEra forum, where one user mentioned that the comment sounded hyperbolic. “It’s not hyperbolic,” replied a Truant Pixel developer, who’s working on RUNNER, a motorcycle game for PSVR2.
As of yet, there’s no further information on what kind of demo Sony is showing, but PSVR2 presentations are planned for GDC throughout the remainder of this week. Are you hyped to learn more? Enter an alternate reality in the comments section below.”


