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[新闻] 银河战士prime4又有最新进展,图形升级+新加入三位视觉特效师


BIG Metroid Prime 4 Nintendo Switch Dev Update Hints INSANE Graphics + Metroid Channel Event Coming!

Metroid Prime 4 news for the Nintendo Switch coming from Retro Studios has been few and far between, but in the last year and a half we have some pretty telling updates from the studio even though Nintendo themselves hasn't announced new

Hey guys happy Monday, Nice day for some Metroid Prime 4 info (it's always a good time for that). Let me know what you think about this big update from Retro Studios, and where this seems to obviously hint that the graphics in this game won't just be amazing but probably the best and most realistic ever for a Nintendo 1st party game. Also for the Metroid Channel Event I'm currently planning for this weekend, but I'll announce the exact day and time soon. If you're a Metroid Fan you won't want to miss it. Thanks for all the support.

大银河战士Prime 4 Nintendo Switch开发更新提示INSANE图形+银河战士通道事件来了!

来自Retro Studios的Nintendo Switch的《银河战士Prime 4》消息鲜为人知,但在过去的一年半中,尽管Nintendo自己还没有宣布新消息,但我们还是从工作室获得了一些相当不错的消息

大家好,星期一愉快,祝您有美好的一天Metroid Prime 4信息(一直是个好时机)。 让我知道您对Retro Studios的这一重大更新有何看法,这显然暗示着该游戏中的图形不仅会令人惊叹,而且可能是任天堂1st party游戏有史以来最好,最逼真的图形。 另外,我正在为这个周末计划的银河战士频道活动,但我会尽快宣布确切的日期和时间。 如果您是《银河战士》迷,您将不会错过它。 感谢所有的支持。

三位视觉特效制作师加入Retro Studios :Nicholas Wilson(无主之地3); Bryan Erck(古墓丽影:暗影);Adad Morales(战地:硬仗) (VGC报道)

[ 本帖最后由 我爱电玩 于 2020-5-13 11:12 编辑 ]
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