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[新闻] GameInformer访谈,为了公平对战,Scorpio主机网战时的帧数向X1看齐(单机没限制)!

比如Killer Instinct网战,以Scorpio的机能完全可以超过60帧,但为了网战公平起见,Scorpio版也会限制在60帧,当然这些都取决于开发商。


According to an interview between Game Informer and Shannon Loftis, Loftis confirmed that Xbox Scorpio games would offer higher resolutions but not necessarily higher frame rates because that would alter gameplay mechanics. For example, if the Xbox Scorpio version of Killer Instinct ran at a higher frame rate than sixty, it would alter the mechanics. How the controller responds to your input would also have to be tweaked and much more. It would also offer Xbox Scorpio owners a significant advantage when it came to competitive online play. That's why the frame rate for Killer Instinct is locked at sixty on all platforms so online multiplayer is fair.

However, Loftis hinted that it was all up to developers if they wanted to upgrade the frame rate but she thought they wouldn't due to the complexity of the development process. She said, "You don't necessarily want to create two different mechanics for two different configurations." Why not just implement dynamic resolution that goes up to 4K instead of spending hundreds of hours perfecting it for Xbox Scorpio? I think that's an unfair assumption and I believe that some developers out there will chose to go that extra mile. They will take the time to perfect the experience for the new console. We'll just have to wait and see when more details emerge.

Lastly, Game Informer asked Loftis what the price point for the Xbox Scorpio would be and whether they can expect the familiar $400-500 launch price or if the console would be a more premium item. She replied, "We're not talking about price right now, but it is a more premium piece of hardware." I'm guessing it'll be around the $700-800 mark but that's just pure speculation and it could be higher or lower.

[ 本帖最后由 npx 于 2016-6-15 16:43 编辑 ]

