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[新闻] 喷了,阿卡姆骑士卡顿竟是DRM导致,唯有三大妈可破

http://wccftech.com/batman-arkha ... formance-issues-pc/

Batman Arkham Knight – Denuvo DRM Could be the Culprit Behind the Performance Issues on PC

Batman Arkham Knight uses the latest Denuvo DRM which has been known to be the cause of some performance issues in the past
Batman Arkham Knight uses the latest Denuvo DRM, which has been known to create some rather serious issues in the past, both with performance in games, and even being accused of being the cause of some supposed hardware damaging. The Denuvo DRM protection has been previously used in titles including FIFA 15, Lords of the Fallen and Dragon Age: Inquisition. Certain reports of performance issues in Lords of the Fallen were allegedly been caused by the DRM, while certain users stated that the protection caused damage on their SSDs.

The blame for a poor optimized title could be directed towards the developer, or aimed at AMD or NVIDIA for failing to provide well optimized drivers for the game, and even targeting the publisher for rushing a release or forcing a specific DRM solution.
Truth is, some additional time to iron out some issues could be required with even more updates and optimizations from NVIDIA and AMD. Rocksteady though have delivered a stellar game with Batman Arkham Knight and it’s a bit unfair to aim the blame solely on them, and while disgruntled PC gamers have every right to be upset with the low-level of focus the PC version of the game has received, there are many factors at work here that can be the cause of the poor peformance.
Regardless of whose to blame though, lets hope that the issues are alleviated to some extent and the situation remedied so PC gamers can properly enjoy a truly great game that can give the Dark Knight and Rocksteady a proper farewell from all of us.

