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《速度与激情》男星Paul Walker车祸身亡

posted by wap, platform: iPhone



posted by wap, platform: iPhone


‘Fast and Furious’ actor Paul Walker dead after car crash

by Marc Snetiker | November 30 2013 — 10:19 PM EST

Actor Paul Walker, best known for his role in the Fast and Furious franchise, died on Saturday afternoon after a car accident in Valencia, CA. He was 40 years old.

“It is with a truly heavy heart that we must confirm that Paul Walker passed away today in a tragic car accident while attending a charity event for his organization Reach Out Worldwide. He was a passenger in a friend’s car, in which both lost their lives. We appreciate your patience as we too are stunned and saddened beyond belief by this news. Thank you for keeping his family and friends in your prayers during this very difficult time. We will do our best to keep you apprised on where to send condolences,” a post on his official Facebook page said.

A spokesperson for the Santa Clarita Valley Station confirmed to EW that deputies responded to a traffic collision in Valencia on Saturday afternoon and discovered a vehicle in open flames. The accident appeared to be a single-car collision against a fixed object near the road. The fire department extinguished the flames and located two bodies trapped inside the vehicle, both of which were later pronounced dead.

TMZ first reported the news.

