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[国际足坛] 希尔顿对C罗的评价.

The source said: "He was just too uptight for her to find attractive. In the end, Paris realised their relationship simply wasn't clicking. Paris got to know him and realised he's not nearly hot enough."

"The first night Paris and Cristiano hooked up, they had a great time together," the source adds.

"He was showering her with compliments and telling her she was the most gorgeous girl he'd ever met.

"But the next night, he was incredibly shy and there were lots of awkward silences whenever Paris tried to strike up conversation.

"Despite his status as an international sports icon, Cristiano obviously felt overwhelmed he was dating such a huge Hollywood celebrity. He was just too uptight for her to find attractive.

"He seemed more interested in checking out his own looks and hanging out with his pals."

"She thought her friends would laugh at her if she dated a guy who walks around with flowers in his hair, " the insider said.

"As cute as Cristiano is, she likes her guys to be rough and all man. That's what she goes for, not some guy who dresses like a girl!"

翻译一下就是 她要是带西罗出去玩,她的姐妹淘必然嘲笑她的男人竟然带着一朵花在脑袋上。 而且她喜欢粗壮有力,并可以将她搞得哇哇乱叫的壮男,而不是一个看起来像娘们的男人。

[ 本帖最后由 心中无码 于 2009-6-25 14:40 编辑 ]

  • rb 发贴积分 -100 请简单翻译 2009-6-25 14:36


原帖由 索菲亚の骑士 于 2009-6-25 12:35 发表
翻译一下就是 她要是带西罗出去玩,她的姐妹淘必然嘲笑她的男人竟然带着一朵花在脑袋上。 而且她喜欢粗壮有力,并可以将她搞得哇哇乱叫的壮男,而不是一个看起来像娘们的男人。


