Jose Mourinho talked to the press after the match against Zaragoza at the Bernabeu. "We did not play well in the first half, but we did after half-time. It was totally different. We allowed our opponent to score three goals with ease and they grew tighter in defense, capitalising on their luck and the fact that time was running out. We couldn't score more goals. I wish to congratulate Zaragoza."
原帖由 小阳 于 2011-5-1 05:27 发表 鸟叔真狠,为了麻痹巴萨,更为了让球员知耻而后勇,绝地反弹,不惜主场输保级队。 不过瓜帅也不示弱,不惜赔上不败记录,就陪你玩了。 这赛季,这两人真有趣,希望鸟叔下赛季继续在皇马。
原帖由@yzh于2011-5-1 04:16发表介你妈米利托也算一朵奇葩了,球踢得臭,人长的臭,现在比裸奔还容易受伤
原帖由 @yzh 于 2011-5-1 04:16 发表 介你妈米利托也算一朵奇葩了,球踢得臭,人长的臭,现在比裸奔还容易受伤
原帖由 @tales 于 2011-5-1 17:57 发表 皇马是惹到干爹什么了……都是要针对皇马