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[业评] 新版XBOX360已成刮盤王,對這問題還是無法解決是一種諷刺,三紅有沒解決暫保留態度。


E3 10: Do NOT do this with your new Xbox 360

If you own an Xbox 360 you know the most annoying thing about it is the RRoD. You probably know the second most annoying thing about it as well, and that is that it can scratch the sh*t out of your discs. Nothing like plopping down $60 bucks just to get home and have the game ruined because your console destroyed it.  You'd think this would be something the Microsoft would take care in their new version of the console since it seems they've taken care of many of the other issues the console had. Think again. Our intrepid E3 team tested the console out with an Alan Wake disc and then Nick decided to move it. Suddenly all hell breaks loose. Goodbye, Alan Wake.

Sure, there was a sticker on the damn thing saying not to move it, but it isn't like he was tossing it around the room. They're planning on having gesticulating children play Kinect anywhere near this thing? Some games are going to be getting destroyed, people. Looks like everyone needs to be really, really careful around their new 360s while they are on or their games are going to get wrecked.





