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Watchmen 将于十二月发售 五碟装 蓝光珍藏版!

http://bluray.highdefdigest.com/ ... ay_in_December/3030

A flyer included with the 'Watchmen: Director's Cut' Blu-ray (available in stores July 21) reveals that a 5-disc 'Watchmen: Ultimate Collector's Edition' will head to Blu-ray this December.

This monolithic edition will present Zack Snyder's Director's Cut with the "Tales of the Black Freighter" comic-within-a-comic actually woven into the film for a complete 'Watchmen' experience.

While it's worth noting this release will be missing most of the supplements (like the awesome maximum movie mode) found on the version due to hit stores in a couple of weeks, it will contain a new commentary by Dave Gibbons and Zack Snyder and two hours of bonus material, including the "Under the Hood" mockumentary. It appears the 'Watchmen: The Complete Motion Comic' will be included as well.

简言之,就是 导演版 + 黑船动画 + 原著的动态漫画 + 一堆新的花絮

