posted by wap, platform: MAC OS X
Feel bad for all the game journos publishing editorials about how Bethesda games will go multiplat, completely ignoring the xCloud angle and the Xbox Series S as a companion console angle.
GONNA BE AWKWARD when they all turn out to be wrong. 作者: xue1984 时间: 2020-9-25 21:31
"In terms of where games will show up, our commitment is that our games will show up on Game Pass, PC, console and xCloud. In terms of other platforms we'll take it on a case by case basis but as the Xbox community, what they should feel is a huge investment in the experience they're going to have in the Xbox ecosystem, and we want the Xbox ecosystem to be the absolute best place to play and we think game availability is absolutely part of that" 作者: bazinga 时间: 2020-9-26 12:04
posted by wap, platform: Android