posted by wap, platform: 小米NOTE
《死亡搁浅》首周在日本卖出了18万5909份实体版,据外媒Game Data Library统计这是本世代新IP最好的首周销售成绩,超过了《只狼:影逝二度》(153577份)《审判之眼》(150721份)和《血源诅咒》(150245份)。
posted by wap, platform: Android
Note that new IPs rarely hit it big out of the gate in Japan, and despite having a launch 3 times as big, Death Stranding has no chance of outselling RingFit Adventure, legs is what ultimate matters, and I don't expect DS to have very strong ones, though we'll see.
But hey, if you want to somehow spin this negatively: Death Stranding was the worst launch for a Hideo Kojima game since Zone of the Enders in Japan, and it's considerably below any Kojima led Metal Gear Solid game.