New Arena: Frozen Peak unlocks at 2300 Trophies! 作者: somissu 时间: 2016-7-1 21:13
Forum exclusive info:
- We've moved TV Royale to the middle screen (Battle tab) and it will feature top players in the Legendary Arena channel more often!
电视会放到中间对战那个tab 会更常出现传奇竞技场顶尖玩家的对战
Reddit exclusive info:
- When initiating a Friendly Battle, you can chose which Arena to fight in (from any Arena up to and including the one you’re currently in).
posted by wap, platform: iPhone
SNEAK PEEK #2 - SNEAK PEEK #2 - Four New Cards: Ice Spirit (common), Bowler (epic) and two others...
Forum exclusive info:
- We've added a sort button to the Card Collection: Sort by Arena, Elixir cost or rarity!
卡牌可以按照竞技场等级 圣水消耗或者稀有度来排序
Reddit exclusive info:
Your player profile will show your last used Battle Deck from any battle (which won't necessarily be the one you've currently got selected)
玩家信息那里显示上一场战斗的卡牌组合 作者: aso 时间: 2016-7-2 20:17