主要得益于Volumetric Lighting的应用吧。用来模拟光线照射到空气中悬浮的小颗粒而产生反射的效果,看起来就像是空气被“照亮”了一般。如果光源计算了投影的话,光线照射到有阻挡物的地方还会形成美妙的光柱。
“Given our setting of industrial revolution, Victorian London, we particularly wanted a visceral sense of thickness to the air to be a key look of our world.This includes haze around local lights, but also general atmospherics and shape grading. Besides conveying strong sense of mood, but also was used as a compositional device to deliberately lead the players eye as appropriate to gameplay and storytelling.
We used a ton of volumetrics in every single scene of that game, often in unexpected ways. We hate game linear fog, and try to replace it with volumetrics as much as possible."
上面是1886开发者原话。大量运用Volumetric Lighting目的就是想突出空气的质感。神海4其实Volumetric Lighting用的也很多。 作者: shinsuke 时间: 2016-5-20 12:55