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标题: [新闻] 刚收到莎木3的进度邮件,给大家分享下 [打印本页]

作者: bladewing715    时间: 2015-10-30 18:49     标题: 刚收到莎木3的进度邮件,给大家分享下

Greetings Everyone!
Yes, we are in the third month of development of Shenmue 3. The story and scenarios are now out of the planning stage and it is time to get the people, places and things to start fitting together into a world with proper dimension, adequate space, and appropriate scale to keep the feel and essence of all that is a Shenmue game.
Map Testing
In this phase of the development, the major work being done is the map testing. Map testing will define the different areas to make sure they are neither too big, nor too small to get to that Goldilocks zone. This consists of looking at the layout of a certain space, and experimenting to make necessary alterations. For example, an outside area may feel too open. That space may be reduced by 20%, and the number of people there increased from 10 to 16, to affect the proper consistency and density of the area.
All elements in the following screen shots are still in testing. Objects are being used as place holders, like the men in black suits, and Ryo is also an older model. Backgrounds and buildings are also still in the development stage and will see reworking. Shots for the two battle scenes were taken at angle to avoid spoilers as much as possible.
Battle test 1
Battle test 2
Conversation testing scene

The development team is in high spirits now that we have reached this stage where we are finally able to start testing. The studio has become quite the lively place as of late, even on Saturdays for some of us! We look forward to your continued support!
作者: bladewing715    时间: 2015-10-30 18:56

作者: 超越怪的猫肉人    时间: 2015-10-30 18:58

posted by wap, platform: 酷派 大神F1

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