3. 同个小队里的NPC会分享关于敌人的信息,并且会轮流攻击和互相掩护。NPC不会捡地上的武器。
string m_HelpText = "NPCs that are in the same squad (i.e. have matching squad names) will share information about enemies, and will take turns attacking and covering each other."
string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_quest_citizen.DontPickupWeapons"
string m_FriendlyName = "Prevent picking up weapons\?"
string m_TooltipOverride = ""
string m_HelpText = "If yes, this NPC will NOT be allowed to pick up weapons they find on the ground."
4. VR虚拟现实的相关语句
string m_Id = "Attribute.worldspawn.vrmovement"
string m_FriendlyName = "VR Movement"
string m_TooltipOverride = ""
string m_HelpText = ""
5. 高空滑索的语句
string m_Id = "Element.prop_zipline"
string m_FriendlyName = "prop_zipline"
string m_TooltipOverride = ""
string m_HelpText = "prop_zipline""
6. 过程生成技术(Procedural Generation)的语句,也许是用来产生道具,敌人或NPC等等
string m_Id = "Element.shared_procedural_spawn_template_info"
string m_FriendlyName = "shared_procedural_spawn_template_info"
string m_TooltipOverride = ""
string m_HelpText = "shared_procedural_spawn_template_info"
7. NPC车辆的语句
string m_Id = "Element.npc_vehicledriver"
string m_FriendlyName = "npc_vehicledriver"
string m_TooltipOverride = ""
string m_HelpText = "NPC used to drive a target vehicle."
8. 作为运行环境还提到了Xbox 360
string m_HelpText = "If you specify a fade in the worldspawn, or if the engine is running under low end/medium end/XBox360, then the engine will forcibly fade out props even if fademindist/fademaxdist isn\'t specified. This scale factor gives you some control over the fade. Using 0 here turns off the forcible fades. Numbers smaller than 1 cause the prop to fade out at further distances, and greater than 1 cause it to fade out at closer distances."