posted by wap, platform: iPhone
Sony's premium service turns five years old today, and to celebrate, the company's sending out a 'limited edition gift' via email to anyone who's been subscribed to Plus for all of this time. We won't spoil the surprise, but do let us know if you've received a particular birthday present in the comments section below.
条件是自psn plus创立以来一直是会员。 作者: 旨旨 时间: 2015-6-29 23:29
posted by wap, platform: SONY 巨猴
这好难啊,我才买了3年 作者: yfl2 时间: 2015-6-29 23:54
posted by wap, platform: nubia Z7 Mini
10个PS游戏10个PSP游戏,再加一个牧师徽章 作者: benbensoldier 时间: 2015-6-30 10:31