So, how's it work? Basically, Hyundai is combining the best attributes of diesel engines with gasoline fuel, and using both supercharging and turbocharging technology to aid with performance. For starters, the GDCI(Gasoline Direct-Injection Compression) engine in development uses a supercharger for "low exhaust gas temperatures" and then a turbocharger for "high-speed power." Combined with an extremely high compression ratio – 14.8:1 – as well as a fully variable valvetrain, Hyundai expects a 1.8-liter GDCI engine to be more efficient than a comparable 2.0-liter diesel engine with similar performance.
With a current redline of only 4,500 rpm, it also appears like it will behave like a diesel, if not sound like one, though Hyundai tells us it "can soften the noise with injection timing." 作者: 朱爷吉祥 时间: 2013-11-18 19:01