Dear twitter friends, The followings are my comment regarding "Pacific Rim". Luckily I was allowed to tweet in public by WB.
Twitter上的朋友们,大家好~下面是是我在观看过Pacific Rim之后的感想。我运气不错,华纳公司已经允许我将此公开。
I have never imagined that I would be fortunate enough to see a film like this in my life.
The emotional rush I had inside me was the same kind I had when I felt the outer space via "2001: A Space Odyssey" and....
and when I had touched the dinosaur in "Jurassic Park". Animation and special effects movies and shows that I loved in my childhood days -
they all truly exist in the screen. Director Guillermo del Toro offers this spectacular vision of massive kaijus and robots in PACIFIC RIM.
现在我内心激荡的冲动,与我在透过《2001:太空漫游》感受外太空时和通过《侏罗纪公园》触摸到恐龙时的那种感情,是一模一样的。动画和特摄电影,这些我儿时的挚爱,现在真切的存在于大屏幕之中。Guillermo del Toro导演在Pacific Rim里面向我们呈现了一场关于怪兽与巨大机器人的视觉盛宴。
This film is not simply a film to be respected, but most importantly, it let us dream the future of entertainment movies.
Pacific Rim is the ultimate otaku film that all of us had always been waiting for. Who are you, if you are Japanese and won't watch this?
Pacific Rim就是我们长久一来一直翘首期盼的终极的Otaku电影。如果你不去看,你还算日本人么?
I hope you would accept this inspirational love letter that had traveled across the Pacific, written by Director Guillermo del Toro.
我希望你们都能收到这封穿越太平洋,来自Director Guillermo del Toro导演的,充满灵感的情书~ 作者: smokertom 时间: 2013-7-8 09:17