Allegri reportedly told Inzaghi that he is: 'A piece of s***' yesterday at the Vismara in front of the Allievi players. [via @ novastadio]
According to latest reports, Allegri and Pippo did have a discussion, but it wasn't in front of the Allievi. Galli was also there.
Pippo's agent said it was a 'marginal episode', and that Pippo won't comment.
Milan, Allegri and Inzaghi have dismissed the reports about the alleged quarrel between them yesterday at Vismara.
米兰、阿莱格里、因扎吉三方对于昨天在威斯马拉发生所谓的争吵进行了澄清。 作者: ttsyyh 时间: 2012-9-21 02:30
1、Filippo Inzaghi and Allegri did had a quarrel yesterday in front of the Allievi and their parents, although Milan denied it, Sky confirms it
2、Sky Sports reports that Milan dismissed the quarrel, but that it did happened.
3、GALLIANI: "I talked with Allegri and Pippo, they told me about what happened yesterday and played it down.""So, for me, it's like this incident had never happened." [GdS]
4、Mauro Suma from Milan Channel, said that 'There was a discussion between Pippo and Allegri but that it wasn't serious'
米兰频道的Mauro Suma确认:他们有过争吵,但没有那么严重。 作者: 蒂亚戈席尔瓦 时间: 2012-9-21 07:35
罢免囧脸,塔索蒂上位吧 作者: 黑奇 时间: 2012-9-21 08:01
不雅语言是意大利语? 作者: siuw2937 时间: 2012-9-21 10:10
阿莱格里可不止说Pippo要枪他饭碗,他当着小玫瑰家长的面说了不少脏话,朝Pippo喊“pezzo di merde”。囧脸无耻责问因教练为何不给他请安,因教练反问囧脸最近一年在米兰过得如何。