存好了枪,俩大兵才开门来到了里间,原来是个酒吧(或是俱乐部)。一开门就听见德雷克(Nathan Drake - Uncharted)在那儿跟雷光(Lightning - Final Fantasy XIII)吹牛B!
“•••flying over the middle of the Rub' al Khali desert, looking for some lost city in the sand. - 驾驶着飞机穿越达鲁卜哈利沙漠的中心,寻找一些失落的城市”
“Next thing I know – plane is going down. - 紧接着 - 飞机开始下落”
“I’m hanging like a fred doll,30 thousand feet just try hold on. - 我在三万英尺的高空像木偶一样被挂着,只求能稳住飞机”
吧台的另一边,科尔(Cole MacGrath - inFAMOUS)也在那儿和老者倾诉着些什么!
“and a plague on every corner, perhaps the city hated me, the other half wanted me dead. - 城里鼠疫肆虐,或许人们恨我,另一半的人希望我死掉”
“He pulled out my good side. - 他展示了我好的一面”
酒吧的一边坐着一些来此打发时间的形形色色的人(或不是人!),他们同时也是忠实的听众!像艾萨克(Issac Clarke - Dead Space)、杀手47(Agent 47 - Hitman)、Ghost(Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 - 使命召唤-现代战争)、Sweet Tooth(Twisted Metal - 烈火战车)···
那个声音由远及近,轮廓也渐渐的清晰起来。没错,是他,Old Snake (Metal Gear Solid 4)
“Tell me the war changed, so you do you have to. - 告诉我战争变了,所以你必须做你该做的”
“I'm no hero, but what ever good I have done, it was him. - 我不是英雄,但我所做的一切,都源自他”
在另一张桌子上Sweet Tooth正和Sackboy(Little Big Planet - 小小大星球)聚精会神的下棋。虽然对于Sackboy来说移动棋子并不是一件十分容易的事,但它还是在努力着。
酒吧另一边传来了女神雅典娜(Athena - God of War III)的声音[神也泡吧???!!!],后面跟着高大威武的奎爷(Kratos - God of War III),如往常一般充满着杀气,空气此时也仿佛凝固了一般。大家都静静的聆听着,不知是出于敬畏,还是那令人窒息般的恐惧···
“Was in the days of suffering, when the gods made their blight know. - 当在神所制造的苦难日子里”
雅典娜的身后也聚集了一些听众,尤其Helghast(Killzone - 杀戮地带)那幽怨的饥渴的眼神,在黑暗中尤其醒目;旁边男性荷尔蒙分泌旺盛的家伙(Madden NFL 12)也在不停的咽着口水,即便她是神;在他身旁的还有保罗(Paul - Tekken),眼睛一刻也没离开过雅典娜。至于他在想些什么不得而知,但我想此刻直挺挺向上竖起的不仅仅是他的头发吧···
“When no mortal dared stand up to Zeus, he did. - 当没有凡人敢于反抗宙斯时,他却做到了!”
大兵在听了来自神的诉说之后,像打了鸡血一样终于按捺不住激动的心情:“Omaha!” 站起身来,慷慨陈词!
“Pinned down on that God-forsaken Beach··· - 在那片被神所遗弃的海滩···”
“?I lay there I maybe die. - 就那么躺在那里或许我就死了”
“But if I give up,there ain't no maybe about it. - 但如果我放弃了,或许就没有今天了” 此处便是我没听懂的地方。一是我个人原因,二是大兵说话确实含混不清!望英语四六高手相助!
“老蛇”听得入迷,便开始玩儿起了伪装!墙上的“PS”标志清晰可见!不远处的棒球运动员(MLB : The Show - 美职棒联盟)也被大兵的情绪所感染,回头倾听!
Pinned down on that godforsaken beach.
Think if I lay there I maybe die.
But if I get up there ain't no maybe about it.
And one man broke through. Micheal! 作者: 腻水染花腥 时间: 2011-10-8 07:06
Ah , stay clam.
Nathan Drake (Uncharted)
- Flying over the roof of Rub' al Khali desert, looking for some lost city in the sand.
Next thing I know, plane's going down.
Hanging like a fragging dog 3,000 feet just trying to hold on.
Cole (InFamous)
- .... and played on every corner. Perhaps the city hated me, the others have wanted me dead.
He brought out my good side.
Old Snake (Metal Gear Solid)
- ...telling me war has changed, so you do what you have to.
I'm no hero. But when I have a good undone, there was him.
Athena (God of War)
- It's in the day of suffering. When the gods made their blight known.
When no mortal dared stand up to Zeus, he did.
- Omaha.
Pinned down on a god-forsaken beach.
Prayed to the father I may've died.
But if I give up, there may be no value.
They won't may've broke through.
Nathan Drake
- Michael.
- Michael.
Ezio Auditore da Firenze ( Assassin's Creed)
- When the Templars murdered my family!
Ghost (Call of Duty - Modern Warfare 2)
- When the whole bloody world's going crazy!