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标题: [官方活动] MS将在E3展会发布更好的XB3603D功能 [打印本页]

作者: cangying    时间: 2011-5-24 16:03     标题: MS将在E3展会发布更好的XB3603D功能

距离2011年的E3大展仅余两周的时间,据外媒透露,微软会在即将到来的E3大展上为Xbox 360推出一种成熟的3D技术。

索尼的PlayStation 3自去年六月份固件更新后,成为当前游戏市场中唯一支持3D技术的游戏主机,而此技术也成为索尼热衷吹捧的功能之一。
据悉,微软此次将要发布的3D技术,在使用HDMI接线连接之后,可以达到单眼获取720P(1280x1470分辨率)的图像,实现与PlayStation 3类似的3D效果。


Xbox 360 Stereoscopic 3D better than PS3 3D? E3 2011 has answers

By: Alan Ng | May 23, 2011 | View Comments
More In: Gaming, Xbox 360

We have some exciting news for Xbox 360 owners now, as we’re hearing whispers that Microsoft is going to officially announce Stereoscopic 3D support for the Xbox 360 at their E3 2011 press conference which kicks off on Monday June 6th.
If you need to get a refresh on exact times for Microsoft’s keynote, you can head to our previous report here for full details. Back to this bombshell though, as Eurogamer has published an article today, stating that Microsoft will make the news official at their event next month.
The 3D support will be similar to that seen on Sony’s PlayStation console, and will allow gamers to play 3D content in 720p with a pair of 3D glasses. But perhaps the most interesting aspect of this, is that Eurogamer’s article included text which states that the 3D quality may even be better on the Xbox 360 than the PS3. Check out a quote below from their article:
“The machine is not only very capable, it’s more capable than the PlayStation 3 of doing stereo, assuming you don’t have one of the old crappy ones with the composite leads… assuming you have a HDMI Xbox.”

This is still a rumor for now of course, but judging by the way Eurogamer have written their article, they and their source obviously know something we don’t. Xbox 360 gamers should be thrilled at the news, as it now means developers will have to work on full 3D support for both consoles, and not just the PS3 which has happened with recent titles such as Mortal Kombat.
As an Xbox 360 and PS3 owner reading this, what are your thoughts on the news
作者: bigbigsmallstar    时间: 2011-5-24 16:06

作者: azuth    时间: 2011-5-24 16:11

作者: survivorcn    时间: 2011-5-24 17:07

作者: grammyliu    时间: 2011-5-24 17:39

posted by wap, platform: dopod (S900)

作者: zhangjingy    时间: 2011-5-24 17:41

原帖由 azuth 于 2011-5-24 16:11 发表
作者: kukutiti    时间: 2011-5-24 17:55

作者: 來福時代    时间: 2011-5-24 18:05

作者: lsn    时间: 2011-5-24 18:08

posted by wap, platform: Android
原帖由 @zhangjingy  于 2011-5-24 17:41 发表
那个虽然还ok , 但是我觉得socom4试玩版的效果比较出色

最后要说的是飞行度假村要秒上述游戏的3d效果无压力, 别和我提残影, kz3和ms3也是不少残影, 且是3d眼镜不可逆的

好吧, 我的电视不是sony的,所以不太清楚sony的3d电视效果
作者: 武功全废    时间: 2011-5-24 18:19

posted by wap, platform: UC

作者: 麦香鸡翅    时间: 2011-5-24 20:38

原帖由 武功全废 于 2011-5-24 18:19 发表
posted by wap, platform: UC

作者: tripx    时间: 2011-5-24 20:40

我觉得在达到阿凡达级别的游戏画面前, 一切3D都是浮云.
作者: 比卡丘    时间: 2011-5-24 21:11

posted by wap, platform: Firefox

单眼720P的3D效果 是啥意思?

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