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标题: 惊爆!SEGA内部流出的Shenmue Beta测试盘被发布了! [打印本页]

作者: chenke    时间: 2011-5-11 15:23     标题: 惊爆!SEGA内部流出的Shenmue Beta测试盘被发布了!


最近Shenmue dojo论坛的某大去找这位收藏者求情,因为有人在Ebay上高价卖这套测试盘的rip拷贝,谎称是原盘,某大就说与其让玩家们受骗,不如干脆在网上发布镜像,让骗子没钱赚------这位慷慨的收藏者就同意发布了

于是Shenmue dojo论坛于5月8日晚正式发布了这套测试盘的镜像,rip为CD-ROM版,加了self-boot,文件完整,音轨全


Release: Shenmue 1 BETA 0.400

Postby Shendream » Sun May 08, 2011 7:28 pm
Good news for you Shenmue fans, today I release the Shenmue 0.400 beta, a beta that I struggled to get but I want everyone to enjoy.

I want to thank Keizh ( Fenix on this forum ) for lending me his BETA GD-ROM and Sizious & FamilyGuy for their help.


- DISC 1

- DISC 2

- DISC 3

Game : Shenmue 1 Beta 0.400
Released : 6 May, 2011
Platform : Sega Dreamcast
Region : NTSC US
Filename : SHENMUE 1 BETA 0.400.MDF
Length (MSF) : 80:00:00
CD(s) : 3 (80min)
__________________________________________________ _________________________

- Beta GD-ROM provided by Keizh

- Thanks to Familyguy for his Self-BooTDATA Pack (v1.3)

- Sizious for all these tools ( Shentrad Team )

Dumped and Ripped by Shendream

__________________________________________________ _________________________

Perfect ripp with all the audio tracks

No files removed.

CD1: Recompacted all AFS in /SCENE/01/STREAM except FREE01.AFS
CD2: Recompacted all AFS in /SCENE/02/STREAM except FREE02.AFS
CD3: Recompacted all AFS in /SCENE/03/STREAM except FREE03.AFS
CD4: not available

__________________________________________________ _________________________

How to burn these discs

Use Alcohol 120% to burn these discs
with parameters DAO/SAO
at the slowest possible speed.

Provided by Master Kyodai


CONTINUE = OFF ( Remove your VMU/VMS ) to use the debug menu.
- SCENE 01 ( for the first disc )
- SCENE 02 ( for the second disc )
- SCENE 03 ( for the third )
Change the Area
Entry = 00 but you can change to see the differences


Disc 1 Scenes

All Scene 01 and Entry 01

JD00 - Sakuragaoka (In middle of sakuragaoka at 1/1)
JD99 - Sakuragaoka Beta (0,1,2 hangs)
JU00 - Yamanose (1/1 being coming from the Hazuki residence)
JU99 - Yamanose Beta (Enter 0,1,2 hangs)
OP00 - Opening scene (Intro at 1/1)
OP02 - Intro with shenhua (at 1/1)
MO99 - Warehouse No. 8 (Beta? at 1/1)
MK99 - Old Warehouse district (Beta? No guards at 1/1)
MF99 - In front of old warehouse district (Beta? Glitched a bit)
DYKZ - Nagai Industries
DURN - Lapis Fortune teller
DTKY - Maeda Barber shop
DSUS - Takara Sushi
DSLT - Slot House
DSLI - Linda
DSKI - Global Travel Agency
DSBA - Yamaji Soba Noodles
DRSA - Russiya China shop
DRME - Manpukuken Ramen
DRHT - Liu Barber and Hair salon
DPIZ - Bob's Pizzeria
DNOZ - Nozomi Crying Cutscene
DMAJ - Daisangen (Mahjongg Parlor)
DKTY - Antique shop
DKPA - Nana's Karaoke Bar
DJAZ - MJQ Jazz Bar
DHQB - Heart beats (Beta? Cutscene? Crashes!)
DGCT - Game You Arcade
DCHA - Ajiichi Chinese Restaurant
DCBN - Tomato COnvenience Store
DBYO - Bar Yokosuka
DBHB - Heart Beats
DAZA - Asia Travel Company
D000 - Dobuita
BETD - Bad ending cutscene (Enter 0)
0000 - Test area (quite empty)
YG14 - Crashes
YD8S - Goro distraction cutscene (Enter 0)
YD01 - Cherry tree Iwao Fight Flashback
VEND - Crashes (Vending machine scene i guess)
TOKI - Russiya China shop (Cutscene? Hangs!)
TATQ - Tatoo Parlor
JABE - Abe Store (little baby ryo)
FREE - Crashes (Not really a scene folder)
JOMO - Ryo's Room
JHD0 - Hazuki Residence (outside)

Disc 2

All Scene 02

ARAR - Asia Travel Company Cutscene
GMCT - You arcade cutscene
MFSY - New Yokosuka harbor
MK80 - Translate Scroll cutscene
MKSG - old warehouse district
MKYU - Harbor Lounge
MS08 - Warehouse No 8
MS8A - Warehouse No 8
MS8S - Warehouse No 8
YDB1 - Hazuki Residence Basement

Disc 3

All scene 03

NBIK - Motorcycle (0 - Saved Nozo

These kind of things are not usually to all public. Some afortunated collectors keep them as treasures and the only way to get them is paying a very high price to have it.
I decided to talk to Shendream to release it because a guy was making copies and selling them at high prices on ebay. Selling "fake" betas to fans is in my opinion a very bad thing so this release is our answer to people who use the pationated Shenmue users to win easy money.

I only played it one afternoon 'cause you have to open the Dreamcast to run these GD-r (I supose you won't have to make this in a ripped one) and I'm actually using a Treamcast system (cannot open it cause of the screen) so -i can only provide the codes for the maps. I don't have more info and we all wait to see the differences from the original game with the help of Kyodai, Shendream, Ziming and more cool programmers here :D

Enjoy the game!

At first sorry for the rather confusing "scene list", i made it for my own notes when looking at the beta. TO explain the SCENE/ENTRY system a bit... "SCENE" is always the scene folder on your disc. So if you insert disc 1 the "SCENE" value has to be "01", you only have the "01" folder in your scenes folder. For disc 2 and 3 this is obviously "02" and "03" accordingly. WHat you dont see in this release is that the passport disc uses "99" which are cutscenes (The ones you see when you pick them from the passport menu if you have a savegame with some cutscenes already completed). A noteworthy exception is the "What's shenmue" disc as it has all scenes in "80".

The "ENTRY" or "ENTER" value is the scene entry point. Default is always "00" which should always be present. "01" would be an alternate entry point. I experimented a bit with this, some scenes obviously have several entry points, so in Yamanose you could come from the Hazuki residence or from Sakuragaoka, so it has at least 2 entry points. Some entry points are invalid, others are "beta", for example i had one in the Sakuragaoka Beta where Ryo was standing in the air. Usually such "bad" entry points will still load the scene but make you unable to move so its quite pointless.

The 4 character code is the corresponding internal name of the scene as it exists in for example the "SCENE/01" folder. Not all of such scenes are "playable" though, for example if you try to load "VEND" it always crashes i think, this should be the "Beverage vending machine" scene which is however just some resources, so it can not be loaded on its own.

You can "mix" other scenes into the disc. I made a hybrid of the Shenmue 1 Beta CD 1 and Whats shenmue, so i had all files on one disc and could load the Whats Shenmue scenes from the beta debug menu. As you can imagine some elements like the charcter resources overlap though and as such might result in odd stuff like persons without a head or improper textures and such. Actually you can mix up all Shenmue 1 discs, so also the japanese version, Whats Shenmue, "US Shenmue" and so on if you want to, just need to recompile a CDI out of it. In an emulator size wont matter, you can as well make a very large CDI (My Whats SHenmue S1D1 hybrid is like 1.3 GB). Just Shenmue 2 derivates will be incompatible with this.

This will run fine in NullDC, so just to take a peek you dont need to burn the discs.

As i said earlier - i think the "0.400" is not the real "built" of this release prolly rather something the ebay seller thought of, it is actually rather a "last Quality assurance" testing release, as you can see it is 99% identical to the final english release version, so it's rather like "Beta 0.950". Only thing i immediately noticed to be a tad different from the final release is the transparency handling, Ryo seems to be much more transparent when walking and running around. Well the only difference most of you will notice is the debug menu which lets you load a scene. There seems to be another option in it which however didnt work for me.

And I am 100% sure that this was kind of "QA" or "testing" release for internal SEGA employees, not just "some debug menu put in by some guy".

And i deleted some of the inappropriate posts. If you guys just wanna swear then please stick to the junk forum. If you don't like this release or any of the persons involved then go tell your hamster or whatever.

[ 本帖最后由 chenke 于 2011-5-11 15:59 编辑 ]
作者: 自由人眼镜兄    时间: 2011-5-11 15:25

作者: c13043    时间: 2011-5-11 15:30

作者: 多乐士    时间: 2011-5-11 15:30

作者: 河马    时间: 2011-5-11 15:34

作者: yuhui    时间: 2011-5-11 15:35

年岁大不折腾了 还是等玩家评测吧。
作者: 快乐猪头    时间: 2011-5-11 15:36



[ 本帖最后由 快乐猪头 于 2011-5-11 15:38 编辑 ]
作者: chenke    时间: 2011-5-11 15:56

作者: SONIC3D    时间: 2011-5-11 16:15

作者: Thunderfox    时间: 2011-5-11 16:52

原帖由 SONIC3D 于 2011-5-11 16:15 发表
作者: SONIC3D    时间: 2011-5-11 17:32

原帖由 Thunderfox 于 2011-5-11 16:52 发表

各大游戏杂志编辑部基本都可以提前拿到Reviewer版本的游戏,基本上都是最终版,只不过Build版本号可能不同,这是一个流出渠道,很多0day发布的所谓提前的版本很多都通过这个渠道的人士流出,但有时因为Reviewer Disc和正式版由少量区别,然后就会发觉之后另一个小组来做proper。



作者: ps2man    时间: 2011-5-11 17:33

作者: leyoung    时间: 2011-5-11 17:58

posted by wap, platform: UC

作者: orx    时间: 2011-5-11 18:35

作者: 一瞬千万    时间: 2011-5-11 18:45

作者: chenke    时间: 2011-5-11 19:57

原帖由 leyoung 于 2011-5-11 17:58 发表
posted by wap, platform: UC

作者: searilutgfc    时间: 2011-5-11 21:32

作者: 真三国无双3    时间: 2011-5-11 22:17

posted by wap, platform: SonyEricsson (Xperia X10i)

@真三国无双3 mark
作者: SONIC3D    时间: 2011-5-12 00:22

作者: dejisae    时间: 2011-5-12 11:13

作者: KEN健    时间: 2011-5-12 12:13

作者: 火星人一号    时间: 2011-5-12 12:27

作者: KEN健    时间: 2011-5-12 12:29


也希望看到SS的莎木 内容那是相当的丰富
作者: starman    时间: 2011-5-12 13:15

作者: Thunderfox    时间: 2011-5-12 14:41

原帖由 SONIC3D 于 2011-5-11 17:32 发表

各大游戏杂志编辑部基本都可以提前拿到Reviewer版本的游戏,基本上都是最终版,只不过Build版本号可能不同,这是一个流出渠道,很多0day发布的所谓提前的版本很多都通过 ...
作者: kevinleung    时间: 2011-5-12 15:44

作者: 飞龙将军    时间: 2011-5-12 15:56


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