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标题: [业评] 美版3DS明天就要发卖了(说不定今天深夜??) [打印本页]

作者: 猫猫猫    时间: 2011-3-27 01:53     标题: 美版3DS明天就要发卖了(说不定今天深夜??)

3.27  $249 ... =pcmcat232900050000

俺不会买...屏幕太小, 现在的NDSXL大屏幕很满意
作者: 猫猫猫    时间: 2011-3-28 00:29


在ToySRUs里面... 没看到有人买.

作者: dog    时间: 2011-3-28 05:10

posted by wap, platform: iPhone


作者: chakane048    时间: 2011-3-28 05:12

作者: olong    时间: 2011-3-28 05:53

刚才去 bestbuy 和gamestop转了一圈,   都有现货.   卖的最好的游戏是 SF4.  买的人并不多.      非热门游戏 如雷曼等有10$礼卷返还.  总之气氛并不热烈.
作者: Matthew    时间: 2011-3-28 06:29

作者: netnight    时间: 2011-3-28 06:56

GameStop/EB Games unable to fulfill all 3DS preorders? (UPDATE - confirmed but confined)

Here comes a nasty rumor about 3DS preorders that might make you cringe a bit. We're hearing that some GameStop locations may not be able to fulfill all of their preorders on the 3DS. It seems that a second shipment of the 3DS is due to come in next Friday, and hopefully that will be able to take care of those that don't get their systems on day one. Certainly makes you wonder what a preorder is worth, doesn't it?

If you're worried about missing out on day one, you might want to call up your local GameStop right now. See if your preorder secures you a unit on day one, or if there are going to be shipment issues. If that's the case, let's hope preorders are filled by the order in which they came, and not a first come/first serve basis.

UPDATE - A number of you have emailed in to let me know that your local GameStops have confirmed that there are some shortage issues, but luckily all those that have called in aren't in areas that will see shortages.

UPDATE 2 - Again, we want to stress that this is a situation, but it seems to be impacting a small number of stores. The main issues seem to be stemming from Georgia. The best idea is to call up your GameStop location if you're worried. Hopefully they'll know nothing of the issue, and report that all is well!

UPDATE 3 - We're hearing that there might be issues with the supplies of the Aqua Blue 3DS, and some GameStop locations may only have enough units to fulfill preorders. Apparently, finding an Aqua Blue 3DS on store shelves without a preorder may be tough. Thanks to all that sent this in!
一些地区的 Gamestop 找蓝色的 3DS 会有点困难.........
当地基友 EB game 排队自曝 : ... &extra=page%3D1

[ 本帖最后由 netnight 于 2011-3-28 07:42 编辑 ]
作者: FantasyJim    时间: 2011-3-28 08:18

posted by wap, platform: iPhone

作者: olong    时间: 2011-3-28 09:45

原帖由 netnight 于 2011-3-28 06:56 发表
GameStop/EB Games unable to fulfill all 3DS preorders? (UPDATE - confirmed but confined)

Here comes a nasty rumor about 3DS preorders that might make you cringe a bit. We're hearing that some GameS ...
大城市不知道, 反正我在这农村 bestbuy里都是现货. 蓝色黑色都有 很充足
作者: 猫猫猫    时间: 2011-3-28 10:13

原帖由 netnight 于 2011-3-28 06:56 发表
GameStop/EB Games unable to fulfill all 3DS preorders? (UPDATE - confirmed but confined)

Here comes a nasty rumor about 3DS preorders that might make you cringe a bit. We're hearing that some GameS ...
Bestbuy, 玩具城, 沃尔玛等大量现货敞开供应...
作者: maleiis    时间: 2011-3-28 10:50

posted by wap, platform: UC

作者: rinlord    时间: 2011-3-28 10:58

作者: 历史厨    时间: 2011-3-28 11:35

作者: 第六季    时间: 2011-3-28 12:07

作者: altn    时间: 2011-3-28 14:08

去Nintendo world store转了一圈,人不多,试玩都不用排队 玩了一会街霸4,3d效果还行眼睛也没啥不良反应,但是也没有想象的震撼。因为周末5点就关门了,被赶出来。看来这次的销量堪忧
作者: chakane048    时间: 2011-3-28 14:26

NYC的Nintendo World之前就有演示的机器了啊

不过也就是GameStop有排队和供货问题吧,其他大Electronic Store都没啥问题,游戏实在是提不起劲来,就看今年的马车塞尔达如何了
作者: 段暄    时间: 2011-3-28 14:27

nds还能撑一年 暂时不考虑3ds 没喜欢的游戏

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