Uxxxxxxxxxx-Gxxxx 缩写为UG,古旧游戏下载PT站,现在的safe year 是2003,也就是说2003及以前出的PC、街机、家用机、掌机上的日美欧游戏基本都有。除了游戏还有相关的攻略啊,杂志啊,原画啊,OST啊,电视节目啊等等资源。总之你想找的基本都能找着,实在没有也可以求。比较适合对游戏业历史有兴趣而且已经自己积累了一些系统知识的朋友。
SorryWe have reached our maximum user limit. Accounts are being pruned all the time so please check back soon (no hammering). Also, many of our existing members have been given invites, so if you ask around on other torrent sites there may be a member willing to donate one to you.
You can join us on our IRC chat channel: #chat on irc.underground-gamer.com.
Join #invites if you specifically want to ask for an invite. 作者: SONIC3D 时间: 2011-3-1 00:13