Deadpool / 死侍
You know him. You love him. He’s gonna Katana-rama the heck outta you in this outfit most of the time. (Side note: That’s one of the few moves I got to name myself: “Katana-rama.” I love my job.)
My pal Frank Tieri (don’t let him know I called him my pal) wrote a ton of stuff for this game. He also wrote a story a few years ago called “Weapon X: Days of Future Now,” which featured a ragtag bunch of characters led by Wolverine in an alternate future. Capcom even got the “X” in there.
Once upon a time, Deadpool had some good times as part of the Weapon X program. His duds looked like this.
If you haven’t been reading THE UNCANNY X-FORCE, you’ve been missing out – and not just because Deadpool wears gray and black!
Doctor Doom / 毁灭博士
Ever seen Doom where this outfit? If not, then you’re at the wrong website, my friend.
In 2099, a man claiming to be the original Victor von Doom rules Latveria with an iron fist. And he wears blue and silver.
Except when he wears red and black.
And then there’s Mark Millar’s “Old Man Logan” alternate future, where Doom wears black for a couple panels as he watches Logan and Hawkeye drive by in the Spider-Mobile. It sounds silly, but it’s actually quite super-mega-ultra-awesome. (What you see here is the entirety of his appearance.)
Hulk look like Hulk alternate in Marvel vs. Capcom 2!
Hulk…look like character Hulk hates! Hulk hate Red Hulk! But Hulk know fans like Red Hulk, so Hulk wear red for fans. Hulk love fans.
Shuma-Gorath / 独眼异形(售价69.99美元的特别版赠送的下载角色,预定于游戏推出4周后开放下载)
Hey, kids! It’s the Shuma-Gorath you know and love from…that one comic he was in that one time.
And from that other comic he was in that one other time.
And when you picked a different skin in Marvel vs. Capcom 2., screw it, we just picked this one ‘cause it looked cool.
Super-Skrull / 超级斯克鲁尔人
In looking for Super-Skrull alts, we discovered that ol’ Kl’rt (that’s his name – I promise!) pretty much only ever wears this.
Except in the Ultimate Universe, where he prefers white to black and black to purple.
But Kl’rt did have a buddy during Secret Invasion who terrorized Ms. Marvel in her comic for a bit. His name was Rl'Nnd. Because Skrulls love awkward apostrophes.
And then there was this one time when Kl’rt was like, “Yo, Capcom…gimme somethin' new.” So they did.
Taskmaster / 模仿大师
Most of the time, Taskmaster wears the latest fashions in skull-masked couture.
But the first time we saw him, he varied it up a bit with an orange cape.
For a while, when MvC art veterans Udon did their own series calling the character, Taskie went all navy-blue on us.
And then…there was this. I mean, as a University of Tennessee alumnus, I’m all about the orange – but the Frightful Four as it was depicted in a ‘90s DEADPOOL comic could really use a fashion consultant.
Thor / 雷神·托尔
Just three years ago, Thor started wearing this awesome ensemble courtesy of Olivier Coipel. The bad news for this purpose, though: finding good alternates to match it was really freakin’ hard.
So Capcom suggested he take some inspiration from Thor Girl. Hey, why not?
And then Beta Ray Bill let Thor storm his closet. (No pun intended.)
Finally, Capcom designed a new exclusive costume for Thor. It’s…functional. Right?
When Craig Kyle, the creator of X-23, tells you personally her in-game model looks “pretty @#$%ing sweet!”, you know you’ve nailed it.
For a while, Laura Kinney had a more “X-Men” look than she usually does.
She also had Captain Universe powers for a while.
And then there are those times she just wears normal girlie clothes.
Sentinel / 铁甲卫兵
I saw some rumors online before we announced the Sentinel that he’d be in the game and look like a more traditional Sentinel from the comics. The “in the game” part was right, the “traditional” part wasn’t. As the MvC pros out there know, he’s got quite the legacy looking like this in Marvel fighting games. With that in mind, changing it would be borderline blasphemy.
The last huge X-Men event, 2010’s “Second Coming,” featured armies of silver Sentinels terrorizing our mutant friends in San Francisco. They kinda looked like this guy.
Lest we forget, before Capcom made Marvel fighting games, they had a Marvel action game to their credit. Here’s the Sentinel from 1995’s Super Nintendo gem, X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse.
Of course, there’s a little bit more gaming history to be had for the MvC2 hardcore out there. The type who know what a “curleh mustache” is, who think MvC before ice cream when they hear “Haagen-Dazs,” and why having “MAG-F#$%IN’-NETO” in the game is such a beautiful thing. To them I say…a naughty word I can’t say here about a certain Big Apple sports team (that's about to get its own Marvel shirts). Here’s your Mango Sentinel...
IRON MAN / 钢铁侠
Here, we have Tony Stark’s primary suit of choice, based on the popular Extremis look he’s sported with regularity over the past few years. (Yeah, yeah… I know he’s not wearing it now—he’s just worn it a lot’s all I’m sayin’…)
The team would love to have gotten the “Tin Can” first-ever look for Iron Man from TALES OF SUSPENSE #39 in there… but adapting the color scheme to this character model will have to do.
The stealth suit is just plain badass. It hasn’t appeared much in the comics, but we don’t care. It serves the color differentiation purposes well, plus it’s actually a fairly close fit to the source material.
And, my personal favorite—the Silver Centurion color scheme. Actually, I think this combination of Silver Centurion colors with Extremis svelte makes for my favorite Iron Man costume ever.
Wolverine / 金刚狼
That’s right, bub—this is the primary look Wolvie’s been sporting since ASTONISHING X-MEN #1 in 2004. You might not notice at first, but it’s actually quite different from his similarly colored MvC2 outing, especially in the lower legs and, uh, ear things.
I’m proud to say I’m friends with Craig Kyle, the co-creator of X-23, as well as the new take on X-Force that started in 2008 (and producer on next year’s THOR movie—guy gets around!). The new X-FORCE comic—which was recently relaunched as UNCANNY X-FORCE—introduced this great gray/black color scheme for Marvel’s most popular mutant.
Another classic! The brown suit is predictable, sure, but it’s gotta go in there. Of course, the ASTONISHING X-MEN model adds some variation to it we’ve never seen before, but I kind of like that, actually.
When it came to the fourth suit, the pickings suddenly got slim—so I resorted to expanding the idea a bit here by dipping into one of my all-time favorite (if all-time convoluted) X-Men stories, “Age of Apocalypse.” You might recall Wolvie was missing a hand in that one and didn’t have a mask. Well, this is what he looked like right before he lost the hand! Right? Two hands and a mask. The justification works for me, and I’m sticking to it. Frankly, I’m just glad I got some AoA love in there.
Now, this might stir up a bit of She-Hulk controversy, but rather than go with the “She-Hulk in the Fantastic Four” costume you might predict, Capcom convinced us that the “Lyra in the Frightful Four” look was better for gameplay—Lyra having a red outfit and red hair and all. Plus, in a weird way you get an extra character (who just so happens to move and talk like Jennifer Walters). Wait, you don’t know Lyra? Read some SHE-HULKS then, written by the guy I could throw Pac-Man figures at from my desk if I wanted to, Harrison Wilcox.
And the “She-Hulk that isn’t Jennifer Walters” theme continues with this ensemble, which you may have seen in Damon Lindelof’s—yeah, the LOST guy—ULTIMATE WOLVERINE VS. HULK. In the Ultimate Universe, She-Hulk is actually Betty Ross, not Jennifer Walters.
Oh, and speaking of Betty Ross…we’ve also got a take on Red She-Hulk.
You might have played a game or two wearing this suit before.
Maybe even this one.
And less likely, but still possibly, this one.
Definitely not this one, though. (Dan Slott, where you at?...)
In the Ultimate Universe, they spell “Erik Lehnsherr” as “Erik Lensherr,” and he prefers darker hues mixed with a deeper shade of red.
Mixing it up a bit is Magneto from the Mutant X Universe. No big yellow X on his belt, but hey…if you ask me, it’s an improvement.
Finally, you might know this version of a Magneto as a version of Magneto I can’t say on a family blog like this—let’s just call him “MAG-F#$%IN’-NETO”! That’s right. The MvC2 variant from that delightfully profane, wildly popular viral video. Gotta respect the old school (pardon me—OLD SCHOOL!), my friends…
So, there you have it—the first in what I hope is a series of blog entries like these that reveal all the alternate color schemes of all the Marvel characters, plus the thinking behind each and every one. Of course, your comments will inspire me to get off my butt and actually do it, so please, let me know what you think. The more thoughtful your comments, the more inspired I’ll be to reveal more. So, on that note…
视频 ttp:// The Hulk / 浩克:《The Incredible Hulk》(神奇浩克)系列中主人公Bruce Banner (布鲁斯·班纳)愤怒后的形态。身为科学家的布鲁斯致力于核物理研究,一次意外的实验爆炸使他变成了拥有巨大身躯的Hulk (浩克)。虽然浩克有着超出常人的力量,但其智力确像个孩子,他会攻击那些对他够成威胁的人,甚至包括一些无辜者。每当他被激怒后就会变成浩克,直到愤怒平息后,他才会恢复其常人的外表。2006年,这位巨无霸严重破坏了拉斯维加斯,一群英雄和IRON MAN (钢铁侠)一起将浩克捉起来,把他连同火箭一起射出宇宙,希望送他到一个无人星球独自渡过余生。
视频 ttp:// IRON MAN / 钢铁侠:《IRON MAN》(钢铁侠)系列主角。在公众面前,Tony Stark (托尼·斯塔克)是个大方富有的发明家、实业家,但是人们都想不到他的另一个身份——IRON MAN。托尼所拥有的神奇力量源自于为了保护自己脆弱的心脏而发明的盔甲,他可以通过它获得超出常人的力量,可以借助脚下的喷射装置飞行,盔甲上还内置有不同的武器。钢铁侠下定决心要和那些破坏国家和世界安全的力量抗争到底。
视频 ttp:// Captain America / 美国队长:《Captain America》(美国队长)系列中主人公Steve Rogers (斯蒂夫·罗杰斯)的绰号。二战时期,斯蒂夫只是个瘦弱的年轻人,以致于联军队都不要他。但是他却梦想着为国效力,于是参加了一个制造超级士兵的实验计划。经过严酷的身体和战斗技巧训练,他被选为第一个试验品。斯蒂夫注射了由Doctor Abraham Erskine (亚伯拉罕·厄斯金博士)发明的超级士兵血清,成为拥有超人力量和反应能力的超级士兵。厄斯金博士被暗杀后,斯蒂夫成为反法西斯的特工,对抗德国法西斯恐怖活动的头子Red-Skull (红骷髅)。在二战最后阶段,美国队长破坏敌人的座机后掉入了北大西洋的冰水中。20年后,The Avengers (复仇者组织,Marvel众多超级英雄团体之一,成员点这里) 在大西洋发现了被冰封的美国队长。苏醒后他加入了复仇者组织,并很快成为了领袖。同名电影计划于2011年7月22日上映。
视频 ttp:// Deadpool / 死侍:出现于《New Mutants》#98 (February, 1991),原名叫Wade T. Wilson (韦德·T. 威尔逊),曾为go-vern-ment特务,因为得了癌症而自愿参加Weapon X计划。改造手术令他失去容貌,因此他难以控制其情绪导致精神不稳定,除此之外得到了超人的气力、耐久力、敏捷力、速度及自我愈合能力,令他本来的杀人技术大大提高。据国外媒体报道,20世纪福克斯公司不但为《金刚狼2》开绿灯,而且也已开始筹划《金刚狼》中“死侍”的外传,准备把其也单独拍成一部影片。
视频 ttp:// Doctor Doom / 毁灭博士:原名叫Victor von Doom (维克多·冯·杜姆),是Fantastic Four (神奇四侠)的主要对手。漫画里他是吉卜赛魔法大师,再某个宇宙取代了奇异博士成为Marvel首席法师。作为假想国Latveria (拉托维尼亚)的领袖,他像IRON MAN (钢铁侠)一样为自己制作了强大的战甲,从而拥有了超卓的实力,就连Superman同一众强者都不是他的对手。他能够穿越时空、反爱因斯坦定律、自动调节大气同温度、将二氧化碳化成氧气在太空生存、拥有核子加微型电脑盔甲等。
视频 ttp:// Super-Skrull / 超级斯克鲁尔人:原名叫Kl'rt,是Fantastic Four (神奇四侠)的其中一个大对头,因为基因得到改进的缘故而拥有神奇四侠四人的能力。他可以任意的延长身体的任何部分,通过控制火焰飞行,能随时隐身,制造无形的能量力场,拥有催眠的能力,拥有超人般的力量,能够自如的转化为岩石保护自身,还可以将自己的外貌按照自己的意愿转化为任何人的形象。他是一个受过训练的士兵,同时也是一名Skrull军的司令官。
视频 SPIDER-MAN / 蜘蛛侠:《SPIDER-MAN》(蜘蛛侠)系列主人公Peter Parker (彼特·帕克)的另一个身份。彼特在一次课外活动中意外地被一只受过放射性感染的蜘蛛咬伤,于是获得具有蜘蛛一般的特殊能力。改变彼特的一生,决定成为蜘蛛侠的关键,就在于Uncle Ben (班叔叔)的遇害。彼特认为这是他的错误,因此选择成为蜘蛛侠来拯救世界上更多的人。采取3D技术拍摄的同名电影第四集计划于2012年7月3日上映。 ttp://
视频 Magneto / 万磁王:原名叫Erik Magnus Lehnsherr (艾瑞克·麦格纳斯·勒舍尔),是《X-MEN》(X战警)系列主要人物之一。1940年,他因为家人是犹太人而被迫害,全家被纳粹杀死只剩下他一人。在集中营他与吉普赛人Magda (玛格达)相爱,二人逃离集中营后结婚。然而有一天夫妻俩被流氓攻击,女儿被活生生地烧死。怒不可遏的万磁王初次引发其异能将流氓及附近村民杀光,妻子因为害怕而离开了他。万磁王很早就结识了Professor X (X教授),但万磁王不认同异能人要与人类共存,他害怕异能人会像犹太人一样被屠杀。他认为异能人才是主导,所以离开了X教授。最后他利用机械增加力量迫使联合国割让Genosha,建立异能人国度而不受任何国家的干预。
视频漫画 M.O.D.O.K. / 魔多客:《Dark Reign》(黑暗王朝)人物,名字是Mental Organism Designed Only for Killing (只为杀戮而生的智能有机体)的缩写。原名叫George Tarleton (乔治·塔尔顿),本来是一名普通人,是A.I.M. (Advanced Idea Mechanics,先进思想技术)组织的一名技师。最初被改造成有着超级智力的M.O.D.O.C. (Mental Organism Designed Only for Computing,只为计算而生的智能有机体),后来才被改造成M.O.D.O.K.的。他用超级智力夺取了A.I.M.的统治权,不断计划征服世界,但总是遭到阻挠,比如天盾、美国队长、浩克、钢铁侠。A.I.M.内的人无法忍受,把他赶下了台,还派人追杀他。后来他几经波折逃出天盾的囚禁,和许多英雄交手,组织过一个超级恶人团体,又控制了A.I.M.,似乎参与了红色Hulk的制造。M.O.D.O.K.有计算机一样发达的头脑,高超的智力和精神力,能使用多种高科技武器,头带使他能集中精神力制造破坏光线,并在A.I.M.各基地间瞬移,但副作用是他的头越发超出身体的负荷能力了。