Defending from Super Ki Blasts
To Defend a Super Ki Blast wait for your opponent to use his/her Super Ki Blast and as soon as
the screen switches to your character, wait for him/her to change into a different stance and
perform any of the moves listed below:
1. Deflect: Up/Forward, Down/Back, A
2. Teleport to Alternate Level: Up, Down, Forward, A Note: This move Cannot be Delayed While
Pressing the Button Sequence. It Cannot be Delayed For Even a Second. Try pressing the button
sequence in less than Half a Second.
3. Counter Super Ki Blast: Down, Back, Forward, A
4. Form an Energy Shield (Only for Android 18): Back, Forward, A
Defending from Super Ki Blasts in Close Range
1. Dodge: By Pressing Up with Timing to Jump Over
2. Block: Press and Hold Back
3. Counter: Quickly attack them while they are performing their Super Ki Blasts
4. Evade: Jump to Alternate Level. Check the 'Extra Moves' Section to find out how to
jump to alternate level.
5. Super Dash: Choose a Character such as Super Saiyan Goku or Son Gohan and Press Forward,
Back, Forward, B. He should Really Quickly Dash to the Other Side of the
Note: This is meant to be an alternation of Teleporting except Dashing.