CHART-TRACK统计上周360借KINECT英国周销量翻倍,而且之前已连续数月英国销量超过WII,目前在英国WII周销量仍排在PS3之上。且看随后的GT5的发售能否帮助PS3摆拖颓势。Sales of Xbox 360 in the UK doubled last week off the back of the launch of Kinect,Eurogamer has learnt.The spike was confirmed this afternoon by sales monitor Chart-Track, a spokesperson stating that, while specific figures could not be revealed, it was"more than a fair reflection"to say the figure was double that of the previous week.The boost is understood to have widened substantially the gap between Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, with Sony's biggest hope for a pre-Christmas surge coming next week with the release of the long-delayed Gran Turismo 5.A senior publishing source added:"360 doubled last week and it was already selling a lot. Wiiand PS3 have been beaten by 360 consistently over the past few months."Wii is still outselling PS3