据悉,新款 11.6 英寸 Macbook Air 将采用类似于“固态硬盘卡”(SSD Card)的存储系统。这种存储系统与传统硬盘大为不同,而更像是一根内存条。
由于采用 FLASH 存储,新款 Macbook Air 可能将实现类似于iPad的快速开机。
Update: CNET is offering its own hints at what we might be able to expect, citing a price "significantly lower" than the current $1499 entry-level price point. CNET's source indicates that the new MacBook Air may continue to use an Intel Core 2 Duo processor and offer extended battery life compared to the current model.
CNET 稱新版 Macbook Air 可能繼續使用 Intel Core 2 Duo 處理器及提供更長電池使用時間,但價格將大幅低於 1499 美刀。
With the leak of an early MacBook Air prototype, it seems a few more details are emerging about Apple's upcoming release. - AppleInsider adds some claims which we've summarized here:
- The 11.6-inch MacBook Air won't replace the 13.3-Inch model but will complement it as a cheaper option
- Both models will be unibody designs with single button trackpads
- It will be slightly thicker than a standard USB port at its thickest point.
Forum user diddl14 has labeled the leaked picture with these notes and speculation from the forum thread:
- Despite the labeling above, the source of the image reports it is a 13" model, not an 11".
- The chips above do represent an SSD controller/interface
- The silver components are believed to be off-the-shelf batteries which may be replaced with a custom form-fitting battery in the final production
- The prototype was using the same Core 2 Duo processor as the current MacBook Air
- The port on the right is not believed to be another USB port
- The prototype has 2GB of memory
- The source of the leaked image reports a 1440x900 resolution to the 13" model.
11 寸及 13 寸型號都有,單鍵觸摸板,一體成型,最薄處比標準 USB 端口還薄(繼續切蛋糕);
流出照片是 13 寸型號,和舊款一樣使用 Core 2 Duo 處理器,2G內存,1440x900 分辨率,銀色部件據信是電池(待機時間看來會超長),右側不是 USB 接口(那是什麼?HDMI?),另外還有 SD 卡槽。