“The Lab” starts up again in the first weekend of September – that’s next week, along with Labor Day and PAX Prime – and we hope you’ll join us.
If you’re new to “The Lab,” welcome! “The Lab” is a special playlist we will be running for a limited time on designated weekends, roughly every other weekend. You can access “The Lab” playlist within the set of playlists found in Matchmaking in UNCHARTED 2 multiplayer. During each weekend “The Lab” is active, we’ll be running a specialized playlist featuring one or more custom-tuned gametype variations from the tons of variables we can tweak in our multiplayer gameplay settings.
We’ll also be hosting a new thread for every event on the Naughty Dog community forums to get your feedback and thoughts on each one of our “The Lab” events.
“The Lab” episodes for September are:
September 3 - 7
3 vs 3 Deathmatch
We’ve dropped two of everything for all matches in this Deathmatch variation – you’ll have two less teammates and two less Boosters to aid in your domination of the opposing team.
September 17 - 20
Desert - 5 Shootout
In this episode of “The Lab,” you’ve only got your trusty eight-shooter, the Desert - 5, to rely on against your opponents.