15 Game status:
16 vf3/vf3a/vf3tb - don't boot - stuck in poly_wait()
17 bass - boots and runs with 3D
18 getbass - I/O board error (?)
20 scud/scuda - boots and runs with 3D (scuda says "for sale and use only in Japan" but is marked Export?)
21 scudj - boots but hangs up (no SCSI IRQs)
22 scudp - shows initial screen, apparently won't go into test mode or advance
23 lostwsga - SCSI IRQ stuck on (boots and runs with 3D if hacked)
24 vs215 - boots and runs with 3D
25 lemans24 - SCSI IRQ stuck on (boots if hacked)
26 vs29815 - write to unknown 53c810 SCSI register
28 vs2 - looks like it should boot but never displays anything
29 harley - boots and runs with 3D after a "NO DAUGHTER BOARD DETECTED" error
30 skichamp - "NO DAUGHTER BOARD DETECTED", doesn't advance (no SCSI IRQs occur)
31 srally2/sraly2dx - doesn't boot (no SCSI IRQs occur, other IRQs look fine)
32 von2/von254g - SCSI IRQ stuck on (boots and runs if SCSI ack is hacked)
33 fvipers2 - says "ONE PROCESSOR DETECTED" and hangs (no SCSI IRQs occur, others look fine)
34 vs298/vs299/vs2v991 - hangs (no SCSI IRQs occur, others look fine)
36 dayto2pe - bug in DRC MMU page-fault handling, causes infinite loop at PC:0x2270 (or debug assert)
37 daytona2 - See above. Also CROMs (program/data) are marked "bad dump"
38 spikeout/spikeofe - As above. CROMs (program/data) are marked "bad dump"
39 dirtdvls/dirtdvla - SCSI IRQ stuck on (boots partially if hacked)
40 swtrilgy - doesn't boot (no SCSI IRQs occur, other IRQs look fine)
41 swtrilga - SCSI IRQ stuck on
42 magtruck - SCSI IRQ stuck on (boots and fails country code check (!) if hacked)
43 eca/ecax - doesn't boot (a few SCSI IRQs occur but then cease, other IRQs look fine) 作者: realclone 时间: 2010-8-16 22:31
街机VF2已经模拟的几乎很完美了 作者: asdqwe 时间: 2010-8-16 23:17
只求拉力2能完美模拟 作者: hudihutian 时间: 2010-8-17 23:19
posted by wap, platform: Nokia (E63)
model 3和naomi 2模拟乃是我的怨念 作者: karlmao 时间: 2011-2-4 19:30