1. The Soldier We Needed You To Be: Completed the Campaign on Normal difficulty.
- 以正常难度完成战役。
2. Folks Need Heroes...: Completed the Campaign on Heroic difficulty.
- 以英雄难度完成战役。
3. Gods Must Be Strong: Completed the Campaign on Legendary difficulty.
- 以传奇难度完成战役。
4. A Monument to All Your Sins: Completed every mission in Halo: Reach alone, on Legendary.
- 独自以传奇难度完成战役。
5. We're Just Getting Started: Completed the 2nd mission on Normal or harder.
- 以正常或以上难度完成战役第 2 关。
6. Protocol Dictates Action: Completed the 3rd mission on Normal or harder.
- 以正常或以上难度完成战役第 3 关。
7. I Need a Weapon: Completed the 4th mission on Normal or harder.
- 以正常或以上难度完成战役第 4 关。
8. To War: Completed the 5th mission on Normal or harder.
- 以正常或以上难度完成战役第 5 关。
9. You Flew Pretty Good: Completed the 6th mission on Normal or harder.
- 以正常或以上难度完成战役第 6 关。
10. Into the Howling Dark: Completed the 7th mission on Normal or harder.
- 以正常或以上难度完成战役第 7 关。
11. Dust and Echoes: Completed the 8th mission on Normal or harder.
- 以正常或以上难度完成战役第 8 关。
12. This Is Not Your Grave: Completed the 9th mission on Normal or harder.
- 以正常或以上难度完成战役第 9 关。
13. Send Me Out...with a Bang: Completed the 10th mission on Normal or harder.
- 以正常或以上难度完成战役第 10 关。
14. They've Always Been Faster: Cleared the 2nd mission without setting foot in a drivable vehicle.
- 战役第 2 关:不登上可驾驶的载具。
15. Two Corpses in One Grave: Killed 2 vehicles at once with the Target Locator in the 3rd mission.
- 战役第 3 关:使用 Target Locator 一次摧毁 2 辆载具。
16. Banshees, Fast and Low: Hijacked a Banshee during the Reach Campaign.
- 战役模式:劫持一架妖姬战机。
17. You Heresy Will Stay Your Feet: Killed the Elite Zealot before he escaped during the 5th mission.
- 战役第 5 关:在精英狂战士逃脱之前杀死他。
18. If They Came to Here Me Beg: Performed an Assassination against an Elite to survive a fall that would've been fatal.
- 战役模式:从致命的高处跳下时,在空中刺杀一名精英。
19. Wake Up Buttercup: Destroyed the Corvette's engines & escort in under 3 minutes in the 6th mission on Heroic or harder.
- 战役第 6 关:在 3 分钟内摧毁科尔维特的引擎和护卫队,英雄或传奇难度。
20. Tank Beats Everything: Finished the 9th mission on Legendary with the Scorpion intact.
- 战役第 9 关:天蝎坦克没有被摧毁,传奇难度。
21. Lucky Me: Earned a Triple Kill while Jetpacking in Campaign, Firefight or Matchmaking.
- 战役、枪林弹雨或对战模式:使用弹射背包护甲能力弹射在空中时,完成三杀。
22. Keep It Clean: Killed 7 Moa during the 2nd mission of the Campaign.
- 战役第 2 关:杀死 7 名 Moa。
23. I Didn't Train to Be a Pilot: Killed 3 of the anti-aircraft batteries during the 8th mission.
- 战役第 8 关:摧毁 3 台星盟防空炮。
24. Doctor, Doctor: Used a Health Pack to replenish life after taking body damage.
- 受伤后使用急救包恢复生命值。
25. That's a Knife: Performed an Assassination on an enemy.
- 刺杀一名敌人。
26. I See You Favor a .45: Killed 10 enemies in a Firefight or Campaign session with the M6G pistol.
- 战役或枪林弹雨模式中,使用 M6G 手枪杀死 10 名敌人。
27. An Elegant Weapon: Killed 10 enemies in a Firefight or Campaign session with the DMR.
- 战役或枪林弹雨模式中,使用 DMR 步枪杀死 10 名敌人。
28. Swap Meet: Traded weapons with an AI ally in Campaign.
- 战役模式:与 AI 队友交换武器。
29. A Spoonful of Blamite: Killed 10 enemies in Firefight or Campaign with a supercombine explosion.
- 战役或枪林弹雨模式中,用刺针枪的爆炸杀死 10 名敌人。
30. Be My Wingman Anytime: Let a teammate spawn on you 5 times in an Invasion Matchmaking game.
- 配对清单的一局入侵游戏,让队友在你身边复活五次。
31. Yes, Sensei: Earned a First Strike Medal in a Matchmaking game.
- 配对清单的对战游戏,获得先攻勋章。
32. Skunked: Won a game of Invasion in the 1st phase.
- 配对清单的入侵游戏,在第一阶段即取胜。
33. What's a Killing Spree: Earned a Killing Spree in multiplayer Matchmaking.
- 配对清单的对战游戏,获得杀人飨宴勋章。
34. Crowd Control: Earned a Killionaire medal in Firefight.
- 枪林弹雨游戏,获得十连杀勋章。
35. Knife to a Gun Fight: As an Elite, killed 5 Spartan players in Matchmaking.
- 配对清单的枪林弹雨游戏,扮演精英杀死 5 名斯巴达玩家。