number 2. they dont give a fuck because theyre announcing a new tekken before the years out, and it will be out no later then early 2011. bet it.
why you say that on number 2, jimmy? look at namco's track record. they never go long without a new tekken. its already time. we just got fucked because of a late console release, and a lack of american arcades to go to to play br if they even had it at all anyways.
enjoy br for what it is, you will be playing tekken 7, or most likely tekken vs vf pretty soon. doesnt excuse a lack of something in my eyes as easy as fucking record mode. this is the shittiest tekken release ever. games excellent, but cmon now, no recording mode.
good shit. ssf4 will be purchased, but can kiss my ass after evo too. all the more reason for me to quit fighting games. not to sound like a raging nerd, but sf4 was shit in comparison to its predecessors, tekken 6 br had some good ideas (minus rage), but still could have been better, kof12 sucks in comparison to its predecessors, ect....
most likely the next tekken will be console only, like ssf4, because the arcade scene is dying, and dead in most places. i dont think capcom and namco bandai are to far away from the same thought processes. namco is probably like, you fuckers will all be playing a new console release pretty soon, so shut the fuck up and work with what you got, and it will most likely be tekken vs vf in my opinion, still leaving tk6br to dominate arcades because the new vs game will play very different, and will give players the option is still playing some good ol tekken at home or arcade, and console players some fucking new sweet shit.
i mean, i could be ranting, and absolutely wrong, but one thing is for sure. namco does not go long at all without releasing a new tekken. wikipedia it if you dont believe me, so yes, new tekken will be coming soon, but fuck them for not even having at least a recording mode update. its not that most of us dont have other options to try to test out shit, whether you get your ten year old brother to try to do shit for you, use the options already available within tekken, watch mad videos to see whats working against what, and good ol frame data, but obviously a record mode is easy and convenient for most gamers, ESPECIALLY AMERICAN TEKKEN PLAYERS.
FUCK SCENARIO CAMPAIGN, AND ANYONE WHO LIKES IT! the only thing most of the community wanted really was the old school tekken side games, not some fake ass, frustrating ass, wanna be adventure game. especially since the game gave so much emphasis on it. devil within never got played by me at all in tekken 5, but it didnt matter, and good. why would i waste my time playing that shit. this is a fighting game ( says previous sentence like a retard, doing hand symbols for those to stupid to understand) i dont care about this other shit.
fuck! i blame sf4. lol. got some of the stupidest new members from srk to zaibatsu, and im not saying i came in a genius, but jesus christ, and now we seem to have a whole new movement of retardation within the companies that make our games. its just annoying all around. from the whack ass streams and shit, to the dumbed down game mechanics being introduced to somehow bring in new meat who didnt know shit about shit anyways, SO IT DIDNT FUCKING MATTER. rant over.
for fucks sake. if it aint broke, dont fucking fix it.