Sony says that classic RPG Final Fantasy VII has been downloaded over 100,000 times on PlayStation Network in North America since its launch during E3 in the first week of June.
Square Enix's seminal RPG -- now over a decade old -- has become something of a cultural icon to gamers, and it's generally associated with the era of more mainstream interest in Japanese RPGs in the U.S., as well as the rise of the PlayStation platform.
Sony says FFVII, which is playable both on PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Portable via the emulated download, is one of "dozens" of classic PSone games it plans to release over the PlayStation Network between now and the year's end.
Other titles to debut soon will include Wild Arms 2, Mobile Light Force and Special Ops: Stealth Patrol, which will join other classic PSone games on the service, with "most" to be playable on both PS3 and PSP.
In conjunction with the announcement, Sony also noted that PSN is now up to 25 million registered users globally, who've downloaded among them some 500 million pieces of content.
After FFVII, last week's top-downloaded PSN games were Wolfenstein, Bomberman Ultra, Gunstar Heroes and Trash Panic, in that order.