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标题: McG透露他对《终结者5》的设想,太神棍了! [打印本页]

作者: 超叔    时间: 2009-6-21 01:37     标题: McG透露他对《终结者5》的设想,太神棍了!

Unlike the previous three Terminator installments, the plot of Salvation doesn't revolve around Skynet, the A.I.-empowered computer system that controls the machine army, sending one of its soldiers back in time in an attempt to change the future. Instead, all of the action occurs in the year 2018, before Skynet has developed the ability to time-travel. But that doesn't mean it doesn't have a few surprises up its sleeve. In a development that John's mother/mentor/drill sergeant Sarah Connor (who does not appear to have a role in the film, one of the few elements from Terminator 3 that carries over into this installment) never foresaw, Skynet has been experimenting on surviving humans in an attempt to fuse man and machine. The resistance rescues one of these "hybrids," Marcus Wright (Sam Worthington), who resembles a normal person on the outside but underneath packs more iron than Iron Man. "The Marcus character is a real exploration of what it means to be human," McG explains.

"You can have metal bits and pieces running through your body, but it doesn't make you any less of a man. And the question is, where do you become a machine and let go of your humanity? I did a lot of thinking about Christopher Reeve and the idea that if you lose control of your four limbs or body, does it make you less human? Of course, the answer is no; many would argue that Chris Reeve became more human [after his accident]. So where does the soul reside, where does humanity exist? Not in your arms, your legs or your torso. That's what the movie is all about—the nature of what it is that makes us human."

In case you're wondering where the war is in this so-called war movie, don’t worry—McG promises that moviegoers will get plenty of bang for their buck. Rather than restrict the action to green-screen-lined soundstages, many of the film's biggest sequences were shot in the New Mexico desert and favor practical special effects—including real explosions and bullets—over CGI. "I wanted all of the action based in reality with a respect for physics and I wanted it to have a tactile reality for the audience. That's why we did so much practically, to really convey the difficulty of a world under duress. I didn't want clean, shiny Logan's Run Terminators. I wanted Children of Men/Mad Max Terminators."

The grimness and intensity of the film's world often carried over into real life, most notably when Bale was caught on tape yelling at the film's director of photography Shane Hurlbut for apparently interfering in an important shot. The actor's rant was later leaked to the public, leading to numerous news stories and even a few homemade remixes posted on YouTube. "That's the nature of a movie set," McG says now about the incident. "I've never made a movie where there weren't flare-ups. I encouraged an environment of intensity and hotheadedness led by me. I have a bad temper and am very passionate and want that level of intensity to show up onscreen at all times. And I want the best, most intense version of Bale, because that's what he's here to do. Besides, it was taken out of context and I think people understand that and it's largely come and gone without too much fuss. I do think it's a slap in the face to Hollywood that private material would be leaked. Movies are designed to only see the finished result."

As he puts the finishing touches on Terminator Salvation, McG is already looking ahead to the next chapter in what the studio hopes will be another trilogy. "I strongly suspect the next movie is going to take place in a [pre-Judgment Day] 2011," McG reveals. "John Connor is going to travel back in time and he's going to have to galvanize the militaries of the world for an impending Skynet invasion. They've figured out time travel to the degree where they can send more than one naked entity. So you're going to have hunter killers and transports and harvesters and everything arriving in our time and Connor fighting back with conventional military warfare, which I think is going to be fucking awesome. I also think he's going to meet a scientist that's going to look a lot like present-day Robert Patrick [who famously played the T-1000 in Terminator 2], talking about stem-cell research and how we can all live as idealized, younger versions of ourselves."

As James Cameron might say, that's interesting

上文中提到了许多爆炸性的 新闻  比如 马库斯是人机合一 的产物  (俗称杂交) T5康纳带领部队会回到过去战斗等等
这些实在太难以想象  甚至有些不能接受。。
有兴趣的朋友 可以试着翻译下  绝对爆料

《终结者4》(Terminator Salvation)导演McG最近接受Film Journal访问时透露了一些他对《终结者5》的设想,他似乎要把《终结者5》的故事安排在“审判日”之前。

McG说,他设想的《终结者5》情节是约翰·康纳(John Connor)穿越时空,回到了审判日之前的2011年提醒军方“天网将要入侵”。他还设想那时的时间旅行技术更加先进,所能传送的绝不仅一个赤条条的“ 终结者”,因此观众将能看到“收割者”、“猎人杀手”等等全部回到了我们的时代。

另外,约翰·康纳会和当代军队并肩作战,更会遇到一个长得很像“现在的Robert Patrick”(在《终结者2》中扮演T-1000)的研究干细胞的科学家,讨论如何制造一个理想化的年轻的自己。




作者: EVAMRX    时间: 2009-6-21 04:06


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Robert Patrick就是unit里那个Ryan上校吧
作者: 菊姬    时间: 2009-6-21 11:41

原帖由 倚天奸剑 于 2009-6-21 11:18 发表

作者: zafm0861    时间: 2009-6-21 12:56

作者: bluefly    时间: 2009-6-21 13:04

原帖由 zafm0861 于 2009-6-21 12:56 发表

作者: 腚眼冒热气    时间: 2009-6-21 13:08

我突然想排便    拉到他嘴里
作者: 菊姬    时间: 2009-6-21 13:08

原帖由 bluefly 于 2009-6-21 13:04 发表


作者: naughtyben    时间: 2009-6-21 15:24

作者: mentalraydx    时间: 2009-6-21 17:03


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