Nintendo Voice Chat podcast summary
June 1st, 2009 Posted in DS, News, Wii, Written by Valay
- Craig wasn’t surprised by Microsoft’s motion announcement
- Have had a lot of third-party exclusives
- Tune in tomorrow for Silent Hill
- Might link to some cool things in liveblog
- Full demo of Red Steel 2 up
- Dementium II still early on
- Renegade Kid has another secret game
Silent Hill
- Red Steel 2/Silent Hill impressed Matt
- Atmospheric, may have the best lighting Matt has seen in any Wii game
Red Steel 2
- Sort of feels like you’re playing Metroid Prime 3
- 60 FPS
- A little more forgiving when you shoot things
- Coming with Wii MotionPlus
- No jump (context sensitive)
- C-button for other context sensitive moves
- It’s the real deal
- Matt impressed
No More Heroes 2
- Trailer released
- Ubisoft publishing the game next year
- Suda couldn’t answer most of Matt’s questions in an email interview
- Game crazier than before
- Matt thinks MotionPlus is in, Suda just not talking about it yet
- 2 beam swords
Rabbids Wiimote feature
- Bozon alluded to it last week
- Ubisoft was really protective of the feature
- Game in general is cool
- No Beyond Good and Evil at Ubisoft’s conference
- GTA competitor embargoed until tomorrow
- Should be up tomorrow with videos
- Will demo The Grinder, Gladiator A.D. for footage
- Nintendo’s conference at 9 AM tomorrow
- Have photos of Nintendo booth - some areas that are covered
- Sin and Punishment 2 has own area, Mario and Sonic, Silent Hill, DSi
- Have area that is completely covered - 1 area still covered with tarps, already have posters but they’re covered with 3 - 4 TVs
- Matt liveblogging, there’s livestream, Craig with pictures/twittering, Bozon taking photos
- Wii Fit Plus might add MotionPlus, go online
Expected announcements
- Wii Fit Plus, definitely
- New modes in Wii Sports Resort
- Red Steel 2 was going to be at the conference but it isn’t now - makes Matt think Nintendo has own MotionPlus sword fighting experience - Maybe Zelda
- Sounds like Mario is a good in some form
- Like the idea of New Super Mario Bros. 2
- Matt thinks we’ll see Pikmin
- Miyamoto will come out in a clown suit and so Marionette (joke)
- Might show Stage Debut
- Will have interviews with people at Nintendo, one interview with Miyamoto - Can’t talk to him until we see what concoction he has
- After the show Miyamoto has roundtable at 5:30 or so - Smash Bros. debut at a roundtable a few years ago
- Matt doesn’t have an interview opportunity with Retro
- Bozon hoping they show something good for DSiWare
- Mighty Flip Champs! is out
Reader questions
- Don’t think they’ll show Shaun White 2 on stage tomorrow
- Matt thought Microsoft’s showing was overall expected, no big surprises, good technology
- Played Red Steel for awhile - still some interpretation problems with slashing - still demo, works way better than original Red Steel
- New Zelda: Four Swords, if it happened, would have to be released over WiiWare
- Feels good when you shoot someone in Red Steel 2, melee combat always harder to pull off - Matt had no problems
- MotionPlus controls could work with racing games
- Ubisoft did the camera on their own
- Craig not a huge fan of Grand Slam Tennis
- Put HDTV in game mode for HDTV lag
- VC has gone down to pretty much 1 release per week 作者: 蘑菇和跳! 时间: 2009-6-2 13:19
- Sounds like Mario is a good in some form
- Like the idea of New Super Mario Bros. 2