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标题: 战争基佬2网站只能4对4鸟 [打印本页]

作者: matiechan    时间: 2009-5-23 00:51     标题: 战争基佬2网站只能4对4鸟

刚才上网玩, 突然发现队长保卫战只能4VS4了, 上官网一看。。。
For those of you planning to fill the upcoming long weekend with a little Gears 2, we’ve got something special in the works for you. From Friday, May 22, at 9 AM EST, through Tuesday, May 26, at 9 AM EST, Public multiplayer matches are going the way of Gears 1 in an “old school” weekend event, featuring four-on-four teams and Smoke Grenades without their concussive blast. These changes affect the Execution - Warzone, Annex - KOTH, Guardian - Submission and DLC playlists only, and remember—these are Gears 1 rules. Only four to a team!
要搞到26号才结束啊。 OLD SCHOOL你妹!
作者: 風使い    时间: 2009-5-23 07:56


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